Monday, August 20, 2012

On the Piers Morgan Interview of Robert Blake

I'll take "uncomfortable viewing ( a train-wreck doesn't even begin to describe it) to the nth" for a thousand, Alex.


  1. Can't wait for Blake to show up on 'Judge Judy'...


  2. The scary thing is...Blake is running around among the general population.

  3. Not as scary as the Delaware Gaffabilly running across our great land armed with unchained mouth.

  4. Perhaps Mr. Obama can tab the former child actor as his running mate.


  5. If a conservative politician had said the stupid shit that Biden did last week the MSM would have had them tarred and feathered as a racist,Jackson and Sharpton (after picking up a couple bucks)would have called for their execution for a hate crime,Chris Matthews would have been spitting all over himself and Harold Fineman.


  6. Sorry Harold Fineman....ment Howard Fineman,the MSNBC shill.

  7. Will: Perhaps Mr. Obama can tap the former child actor as his running mate.

    Will has criticized me harshly in the past for making political comments in response to a non-political posts... yet, here he does it himself!

    Rusty: If a conservative politician had said the stupid shit that Biden did last week the MSM would have had them tarred and feathered as a racist.

    Of course, because, as everyone knows, regulating Wall Street is "racist".

    Now, how about the stupid shit that Todd Akin said? In regards to pregnancy resulting from rape, he said, "First of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare... If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down..."

    Now that is definitely one of the stupidest and most offensive things I've ever heard. Words that are worthy of true outrage... as opposed to this faux outrage over the Biden speaking out in favor of regulating the Wall Street thieves.

  8. Theives? More use of words without meaning. A gaffe from WD. What a surprise!

  9. dmarks: Thieves? More use of words without meaning. A gaffe from WD. What a surprise!

    That's what you call people who steal. The Wall Street thieves should have been prosecuted and be in prison already. This is another area in which I criticize the Obama administration.

    Next time dmarks should try checking a dictionary... and not his own personal one that contains the definitions he's made up. This qualifies as a gaffe from dmarks to be sure.

  10. It was an inoccuous joke, wd. You really need to get some perspective.

  11. I asked earlier, WD. When and where did Romney say that he would let Wall Street write the rules in his first 100 days? Biden insisted he said this.

  12. Will: It was an innocuous joke, wd. You really need to get some perspective.

    This was a "joke"????

    Will Hart, responding to a political comment I made in response to a non-political post: You have issues, wd. You take what is a totally apolitical post and turn it into yet another forum to spew your hate-fueled and hackneyed simple-simon talking-points. Look, we get it, wd. You're not successful and you only want to blame others for this abundant lack of success. But, dude, you gotta make at least a modicum of an effort to stay with the program here.

    Sounds serious and not anything like a "joke" to me.

    dmarks: I asked earlier, WD. When and where did Romney say that he would let Wall Street...

    You never asked this. You asked me where the Romney quote came from, but it wasn't a Romney quote, it was a Biden quote.

    Romney does advocate this, however. Check out his official website.


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