Saturday, August 4, 2012

On Harry Reid

The only reason that this Reid fellow even has a job is because the Republicans foolishly nominated Sharron Angle and she was even dumber than him. Period, end of discussion.


  1. Harry Reid is significantly more intelligent than Sharron Angle. I'm glad we got him instead of any Republican.

    Also, you're saying the stupidity of the Republican primary voters caused them to lose a seat that could have been theirs?

    I guess, unlike dmarks, you don't stand with the voters. I wonder if dmarks is going to call you out for your arrogance.

  2. It was a stupid decision to nominate Sharron Angle. If that's an indictment, then that's an indictment.

  3. @ wd who said... "Also, you're saying the stupidity of the Republican primary voters caused them to lose a seat that could have been theirs?'

    That is precisely why we have Mr. Duh to contend with. Because in the final analysis the primary voters out of rightful DISGUST with Mr. Duh allowed themselves to not see clearly. Thus putting a individual on the ballot that couldn't muster the intelligence to win the election that should have been hers.

  4. I seem to recall Mr. Reid being pretty unpopular back then, Les. A different candidate and the Republicans more than likely would have beaten him, I think.

  5. Will: It was a stupid decision to nominate Sharron Angle. If that's an indictment, then that's an indictment.

    It is. Of all the Republican primary voters in AZ who voted for her, as well as the Republicans in AZ who didn't bother to show up. Because, according to dmarks, even those who don't vote are really making their wishes known by not casting a ballot. They voted for Angle by default. That's a lot of people both Will and "Rational" are arrogantly dissing. dmarks should be outraged.

  6. There's a reason he's known as Dingy Harry.


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