Friday, August 31, 2012

On the Difference Between TR, Wilson, and Hoover and FDR

The former three were constitutional (mainly). The latter one clearly was not.


  1. Well, Wilson is very Questionable Will.

  2. I kind of thought so, too, Les. But after listening to Amity Shlaes on youtube, I came to realize that Wilson was far more in line with the Constitution than FDR ever was (now, whether or not W. Wilson was a good President is an obviously different story).

  3. Are you an Amity Shlaes person, Les? I personally find her fascinating.

  4. I think of Wilson's colossal mistake in the formation of Yugoslavia, which had a direct bearing on the mass slaughter that took place there at different times during the 20th century. Consider just Kosovo, which was forcibly attached to Serbia without any regard to what the Kosovars thought. A mistake that caused a lot of bloodshed.


  5. There's no difference between TR,Wilson,Hoover and FDR.....their all dead.....and have been for quite a while.


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