Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Quick Thought on Affirmative Action

I would MUCH prefer to save a spot at Penn State for a hard-working inner-city Black/Hispanic kid who's had to overcome a number of barriers than I would a spot at Carnegie Mellon for an upper-middle class black kid from the suburbs who's had to face essentially zero adversity.............P.S. And, yes, I would consider the inner-city kid for Carnegie Mellon, too. It would just have to be a situation in which I could envision success as opposed to failure/one in which I was just being politically correct.


  1. I would have no problem with class being a part of the formula, too.

  2. I would say demonstrated merit irrespective of class, race, socio- economic background, or any other "qualifier" is the ideal to which any and all programs should aspire to achieve in their mission to make society a better and more equitable envoronment..

  3. Yes, RN. Merit, not skin color. Because the latter is racist.

  4. dmarks: Merit, not skin color. Because the latter is racist.

    Typical dmarks: fighting racism is racist.

  5. it is not fighting racism if you are punishing people for their skin color, WD. It is in that case only adding more racism.


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