Saturday, July 7, 2012

Politics (As Practised by the Modern-Day Partisan Simpleton)


  1. I see you referred to WD in parenthesis in the title of the post. Good job!

  2. He was referring to you (even if he didn't know it).

  3. You're the one who sees everything in black and white terms, wd. Everybody is either a conservative/bad guy or a liberal/good guy and you never EVER deviate from the orthodoxy (and, yes, I can assure you that the system is in fact "rigged" against people like you). I only wish that Eric Hoffer were alive and with us to witness it.

  4. Damn, and I thought the post was about wrestling or power lifting!

    Something I used to engage in 30 years ago (power lifting), and am taking up again at 60.

    Hey wd, want to go to the gym and chuck politics for a few hours? :)

  5. Les, I really don't think that wd could go that long. Halfway through the workout he'd probably start belly-aching about the plutocrats or something.

  6. Oh, and, just for the record, those 2 individuals are The American Dream Dusty Rhodes and Mr. Fuji.

  7. Will lied: I really don't think that wd could go that long. Halfway through the workout he'd probably start belly-aching about the plutocrats or something.

    That "joke" isn't at all funny. I think I'll say you lied (it's good enough for dmarks). Plutocrats have nothing to do with working out.

    Will lied: You're the one who sees everything in black and white terms, wd. Everybody is either a conservative/bad guy or a liberal/good guy...

    Not really, no. Perhaps it seems that way to you, but this is actually not the case. Most are somewhere in a grey area. Like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Neither are "Liberal good guys", neither are they "Conservative bad guys"... they're responsible for a lot I disagree strongly with.

    Will definitely lied: ...and, yes, I can assure you that the system is in fact "rigged" against people like you...

    This is something you have absolutely no clue about.

  8. Will: ...and, yes, I can assure you that the system is in fact "rigged" against people like you...

    Wanna bet dmarks says nothing the arrogance of Will thinking he knows my life? Will has been claiming to know my life for awhile now, but dmarks never says a thing.

  9. Here's a news flash one wants to know your life....the thought is far too scary.

  10. Will said: '....(I wish I had a $10 an hour job)...'

    Were you quoting someone? Someone who is perhaps jealousy, greedy, and lazy.... who thinks that the way to such jobs is to wish and piteously whine for handouts, rather than work for them and actually earn such a wage?

  11. Will lied: And what in the fuck DO you do for a living (I wish I had a $10 an hour job), wd?

    You've brought this up before, and I proved (by providing a link) that you misquoted me. Now that you're repeating the misquote it is no longer a mistake but a lie. You're lying and you know it.

    Also, I've already infomed you that I've don't discuss politics on the job.... so you're lying again. This is a political blog dummy, which is why I'm discussing politics here.

    I assume you don't lie this much on the job, because you might be out of a job in less than a week if you did.

  12. dmarks: ...who thinks that the way to such jobs is to wish and piteously whine for handouts, rather than work for them and actually earn such a wage?

    Here dmarks shows his utter contempt and hatred for lower income Americans. The wealthy idolizing and comtempt directed at lower income Americans displayed by both Will and dmarks here sickens me.

    Many lower income Americans work hard for their wages, and dmarks slandering them by characterizing them as "whining for a handout" could result in dmarks getting the tar beaten out of him if he repeated these lies in front of them... that I'd like to see. But I think he'd probably be to cowardly.

  13. WD said: "The wealthy idolizing and comtempt directed at lower income Americans displayed by both Will and dmarks here sickens me"

    Not true at all. I hold lazy and greedy people who expect handouts, either rich OR poor, in contempt.

    I have no contempt at all for the lower-income people who work hard and improve their wages the honest way.

    "Many lower income Americans work hard for their wages, and dmarks slandering them by characterizing them as "whining for a handout""

    Not at all. I only hold those in contempt who want more as a mere result of begging, rather than by doing better work.

    "could result in dmarks getting the tar beaten out of him if he repeated these lies in front of them"

    I would happily watch these violent thugs you are defending/justifying hauled off to jail.

    "But I think he'd probably be to cowardly."

    It's not cowardice, but prudence to want to avoid provoking reptile-brained subhuman savages*

    (*Note: I am not referring to those who work hard for low wages, but rather, it is very clear, to those greedy pigs who believe that the way to more money is by begging for it instead of working for it).;

  14. dmarks: Not true at all.

    It's 100 percent true. I am sickened. Who are you to tell me that I'm not? Someone who is incredibly arrogant, that's who.

    dmarks: I hold lazy and greedy people who expect handouts, either rich OR poor, in contempt.

    I call you on your BS. Name one rich person who is lazy, greedy and expects handouts that you hold in contempt. ONE.

    dmarks: I would happily watch these violent thugs you are defending/justifying hauled off to jail.

    But when the police officers heard that you thought they were greedy, wanted to bust their union and drastically cut their pay they might deline to make an arrest.

    dmarks: [low wage Americans are] greedy pigs who believe that the way to more money is by begging for it instead of working for it.

    Asking for fair pay isn't "begging for it instead of working for it". And again you slander hard working Americans just because their wages aren't high. My stomach is churning in disgust. The hatred dmarks has for lower wage Americans really makes me want to puke.

  15. And there are a lot of things that are unfair, wd. In my line of work, the rec people and the OTs and PTs essentially do a lot of the same activities. But the OT's and PTs make about 3 times as much as the rec directors do. I mean, yeah, it sucks for me but I also understand it. The OTs and PT's have a higher concentration of their course work in this area, they are able to bill Medicare directly (it's basically a little racket at the taxpayer's expense but I digress), and there are a hell of a lot less of them of them out there (ergo, the demand for them is greater). So, no, I'm not going to go around crying about it. I made my choice and I'm totally OK with it. Why can't you be OK with your choices?

  16. Will lied: Uh, you didn't say that, wd? You didn't say on Truth's blog that you wished that you had a $10 an hour job? You're the fucking liar, loser.

    I did not. And I previously linked you to the page on Truth's blog that proved I did not. You are the fucking liar.

    I'm not going to try to find it again. YOU'RE the one misquoting me. If you think I said that then YOU prove it or STFU. BTW, you won't be able to because I never said that.

  17. BTW, you lying about this is proof of your hatred of lower wage earning Americans. That's why you keep trying to paint me with that brush... you want to place me in the same boat as the other lower wage earning Americans you have such disgust for.

    And I've never said a damn thing about my choices.

  18. WD: you aren't talking about fair pay at all. Just some abitrary amount. No I have nothing against people whose 'wages aren't high'. I am just sick of the counterproductive, non-productive begging and whining by anyone, low- or high- wage earner, that they are entitled to unearned handouts as a result of begging and whining.... as opposed to them shutting up, standing up, buckling down, and actually earning the higher wages.

    As for the police in your example, you are demanding that they disobey their oath of being officers. Bad cops can of course be fired. And you are slandering police by implying that they would refuse to follow the law in that situation. I have more respect for public servants than you.

  19. Provide me the link again, wd. You said that you wished that you had a $10 an hour job. Yeah, maybe you didn't say it exactly in those words but you fucking said it and you know it. You even admitted it on another thread. How pathetic.

  20. I never "admitted" it because I never said it to begin with... and you fucking know it.

    What's pathetic is you admitting you're wrong but then claiming it doesn't matter because I used words that mean the same thing... which is complete BS.

    In any case, is everyone who makes less than $10 an hour (and isn't a teen, just starting out, or a retired person working part-time) a "loser" in your book? Just how much of a stuck up a-hole are you?

  21. The best way to move from earning minimum to a higher amount like $10 is to do better work and improve their skills. Not whine and "wish" for more. And yes the people who whine and wish instead of working for it are losers. Pathetic.

  22. They were talking at Truth's site about how certain people have to take a $10 an hour job and you said, "I wish that I had a $10 an hour job." You said it and you're a God-damned fucking liar for not admitting it.......And, no, not everyone's a loser making $10 an hour. Just bitter and lazy assholes like you.

  23. Will Lied: They were talking at Truth's site about how certain people have to take a $10 an hour job and you said, "I wish that I had a $10 an hour job."

    I did not. You're a liar. I can't link to my comment at Truth's site however because he's changed his settings (again) so that it's only open to invited readers. Perhaps this explains why you're bringing this up and lying about it again? Because it's my word against yours. What a despicable lying shit you are.

    And I'm pretty sure that how you're characterizing the conversation is also wrong.

    Will: And, no, not everyone's a loser making $10 an hour.

    Bullshit. You're clearly a classist whose own life is so pathetic that you need to identify people who you are better than in order to feel better about yourself. Similar to how racists identify people they're better than by the color of their skin, Will idenfifies people he's better than by their income being low.

  24. Wow, you are ballsy. So, you said that you wished that you had MY $10 an hour job and not A $10 an hour job. Big fucking Clintonian deal. Either way, you have zero in terms of skills and a singularly stinking attitude that will hamper you for the rest of your uneducated and highly pathetic life (hopefully, your parents are still young enough to care for you a while longer).............A classist? I work with $10-12 an hour CNAs every frigging day, loser, and NONE of them, NONE OF THEM, even remotely thinks that bullshit. They all respect me because I'm always helping them out on the floor when a lot of the other people in management don't even give them the time of day. You nasty, pathetic little loser and you even throw the racist bullshit at me. Take a hike, a-hole.

  25. Will: sounds like you are in a fair-wage workplace

  26. The meaning is significantly different, not "Clintonian". And you're the liar... and now that you've been called out on your lies you're spinning to make it look like you didn't lie.

    You're the a-hole, not me for defending myself against your lies.

  27. I look this item up and down. No lies from Will.

  28. dmarks lied: I look this item up and down. No lies from Will.

    He "quoted" something I said on Truth's blog. The first time he did this was several months ago... and he modified the wording of what I said to make what I said mean something completely different. I pointed it out to him at the time (assuming he simply remembered incorrectly).

    His distortion of my words became a lie when he repeated them a second time (although he could have been lying the first time, I'm just being generous here).

  29. YOUR job was A job. To call what I said a lie is absolutely idiotic.

  30. You said I NEVER had a $10 an hour (or more) job! I had that one (a job I was laid off from several years ago) and others. And you continued to say this even after I corrected you. What's idiotic is that you just didn't say you remembered wrong and move on. Instead you continue to lie.


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