Monday, July 2, 2012

Per the L.A. Times, August 11, 2011 -

1) Back in March of 2010, acting deputy ATF director, William Hoover, called for an emergency meeting to close down the program that we now commonly refer to as Operation Fast and Furious. But those at the meeting, which included a Justice Department official, said no. They did not want to stop these ILLEGAL GUN SALES until they had something to show for it (i.e., arrests and the possible take-down of a major drug cartel).............2) According to memos, emails, sworn depositions, and Capitol Hill testimony, it was the Department of Justice that provided the initial impetus for the program, Operation Fast and Furious.............3) Kenneth Melson, acting ATF director at the time of Fast and Furious, has conceded that he and his subordinates took the DOJ memos and created from them the "tactical strategy" which eventually became Operation Fast and Furious, and that it was run out of William Newell's (the then special agent in charge of the ATF field offices in Arizona and New Mexico) office.............4) Under the program, agents were to watch (and in some cases record on video) ILLEGAL SALES and then use surveillance to follow the gun purchasers. Obviously they failed.............5) Even after Brian Terry's death, the operation continued for another 6 weeks............................................................................................The evidence is overwhelming here, people. Guns were clearly allowed to walk and the ATF and DOJ were both involved.....And even if you concede that the agents in Arizona did attempt to track these weapons, and even that their resources to do so were low (this point is clearly debatable in that there were millions of dollars of stimulus money that were earmarked for gun interdiction), their failure rate was monumental. Too many guns were allowed to walk and they weren't even equipped with tracking devices. A scandal? Yeah, you better believe that this was a scandal.


  1. There will remain many who will simply refuse to accept that Holder and his "buddy" Obama bears any culpability whatsoever.

  2. I was (and still am, to a degree) more than willing to give Mr. Obama the benefit of the doubt on this. But now with this whole executive privilege thing, I'm really starting to wonder (not that I necessarily trust Darrell Issa, either) a little about him, too.

  3. The executive privilege thing gives it away that the facts on this embarass Obama, and not his predecessor.

  4. The Republicans can't be trusted with sensitive information. Remember that it was the last Republican president that outed a covert CIA agent and most likely got agents killed. They'll do ANYTHING for political advantage, including endangering the lives of our law enforcement officals.

  5. Maybe somebody like Patrick Fitzgerald needs to look into this. Both sides seem not to like the fellow and that's in fact a good thing.......And, wd, if Mrs. Wilson didn't want to be outed, she probably a) shouldn't have put her name on the memo-head (Richard Armitage said that he's never seen a covert operative do that in his 43 years of service) and b) instructed her doltish husband not to talk to that idiot, David Corn.

  6. Sorry, WD. You are telling a whopper. Mrs. Wilson had already outed herself, which chucks the credibility of your statement out the window.

    Will: I knew she had outed herself in other ways, but not this. Wow. I guess she'd also be the one to wear cool Spy (tm) logo wear when out on mission.

  7. As for this statement from WD: "They'll do ANYTHING for political advantage, including endangering the lives of our law enforcement officals."

    The Obama administration arming people who shoot our law enforcement people does indeed "endanger" their lives. It's time for Obama to stop saying he is above the law and reveal the facts.

  8. Sorry dmarks, but I can't let the TWO whoppers you just told slip by. Valarie Plame was undercover... that is according to the head of the CIA. And the Obama Administration did not arm anyone. AFT agents in Phoenix ran the program. Obama and Holder weren't aware of it. Not that it was gunwalking anyway. Katherine Eban's article revealed the truth on that charge.

    BTW, what about the significantly more times bush used executive privilege? Did dmarks call out bush for thinking he was above the law... even once? I seriously doubt it, given the fact that dmarks says Obama thinks he's above the law as an insult, but he REALLY did believe that bush was above the law... proof being his vigorous defense of war crimes.

    FYI, the facts were revealed. The thousands of documents simply contained no dirt on Holder or Obama. This is why they held Holder in "contempt". They were outraged that Holder wasn't guilty of something.

  9. "....proof being his vigorous defense of war crimes...."

    Bush was a (haha) war criminal? What a sense of humor you have.

  10. dmarks, I asked you about bush using executive privilege... and you dodged the question... I guess it's OK when bush did it because he has an "R" after his name.

    And I wasn't joking about bush being a war criminal. He illegally invaded Iraq and authorized torture... both are illegal under international law. In my book he's an unprosecuted war criminal.

  11. Given how many times bush used executive privilege he was clearly hiding a LOT of illegal activity.

  12. a) Katherine Eban took as gospel the lies of a man who completely outed himself via his very own emails (her "research" didn't include looking at Mr. Voth's emails LOL!!!!!!!). a) Katherine Eban took one of these emails (well, she read this one anyway) and altered it to make Mr. Voth look like the hero when he clearly wasn't. 3) Documents made their way to Eric Holdder's desk informing him of Operation Fast and Furious a full 10 months prior to when he testified under oath. 4) If outing Valerie Plame was such a big, fat, hairy deal, then why wasn't Richard Armitage (he claims to have NEVER seen a covert agent put their name on the top of a memo-head in FORTY THREE YEARS!!!) ever arrested? 5) The documents that Holder did give to the committee were so heavily redacted that they were essentially worthless.


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