Saturday, July 28, 2012

Miscellaneous 132

1) Katherine Eban's major source for information? Try the individual who's most inexorably implicated. LOL.............2) And how might one explain the fact that some IRS agent was one of the people who this partisan, Eban, supposedly interviewed? Hell, folks, that's an even easier one to explain. It's because they, the IRS, were a part of the damned operation; helping these gun dealers with the fucking taxes on these same illegal gun sales. DUH!!!!!!!!!!............3) It should be obvious to any sane person who reads that letter from FDR to Mr. Steward (the then leader of the Federal employees union) that, while, yes, Mr. Roosevelt said that Federal workers could organize and present their views to the government (to which the government could either say, "yeah, that's a good idea" or "no, it's lousy idea, now go take a hike"), he was also adamantly opposed to Federal employees being able to collectively bargain. To say that that's not what he meant is absolute crap. ............4) And to those who say that FDR was only saying that they couldn't go on strike, I extracted this for them. "Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of Government employees." PARTICULARLY, he said, not solely and not singularly. And even if it was singularly, what in the hell good is a collective bargaining process that has no viable threat behind it? It's worthless.............5)


  1. Will: To say that that's not what he meant is absolute crap.

    FDR: The desire of Government employees for fair and adequate pay, reasonable hours of work, safe and suitable working conditions, development of opportunities for advancement, facilities for fair and impartial consideration and review of grievances, and other objectives of a proper employee relations policy, is basically no different from that of employees in private industry. Organization on their part to present their views on such matters is both natural and logical. [end FDR quote]

    What you claim he meant is absolute crap. If he was opposed to public sector unions, period -- tell me what he did to abolish their rights to collectively bargain. What legislation/policies did he support/sign into law that did away with collective bargaining rights for public sector unions?

  2. They can organize and present their views but they cannot collectively bargain. That is what FDR said and I trust that that's what he meant he wrote the damn letter. PARTICULARLY is not SINGULARLY and if you do not believe me, check the Thesaurus.

  3. They never had the right to collectively bargain at that point and, hence, there was no need to pass a law to get rid of it. Duh.

  4. Such historic facts are lost on WD, Will. He has been shifting and evading constantly on this, hence his demanding to know why FDR did not ban something that did not exist at that time. WD's crazy anachronistic logic (if one can call it that) could also lead him to say that Abraham Lincoln favored internet porn. Why? Because Lincoln never acted to ban it.

  5. dmarks thinks the internet was around during the time of Abraham Lincoln?!

    FYI, dmarks, public sector unions WERE around during FDR's time, while the internet still was not.

    And it was Will who said a union existing was pointless without the ability to strike, so why was FDR going on about unions being natural and whatnot if them existing was pointless?

  6. "FYI, dmarks, public sector unions WERE around during FDR's time, while the internet still was not."

    However, public sector union "collective bargaining"at the time of FDR was just like the Internet in Lincoln's time: not there.

    The analogy was appropriate.

  7. dmarks: ...just like the Internet in Lincoln's time: not there.

    You just suggested it was! Backing down from your lie now?

  8. Public sector unions may have been around, wd, but collective bargaining was not. dmarks is right, you can't eliminate something that doesn't exist. And I really thought that his Lincoln and internet porn analogy (or lie, as you prefer to call it) was hilarious.

  9. WD was indeed caught with his pants on fire. Again.


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