Monday, July 16, 2012

Interesting Fact

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, 65% of all new jobs created over the past 17 years have been created by smaller firms, NOT MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS. The federal government just might want to take that into account prior to the next round of regulatory onslaught (and, yes, Bush was every bit as bad as Obama).


  1. And this is important considering Obama's plan to clobber 3% of small businesses: the ones that are likely the ones that employ the most people compared to other small businesses.... thus putting hundreds of thousands of jobs in danger.

    Thankfully, saner heads will prevail and prevent his onslaught in this area.

  2. Multinational corporations are busy creating jobs in low wage countries.

    Regarding dmarks' comment/lie about Obama's plan to "clobber" 3% of small businesses... there is no such plan. A small tax increase will put zero jobs in danger. In fact it will make our economy stronger.

  3. Countries that would even be more impoverished without these opportunities. Free trade was able to get millions of Asians out of poverty in the previous century and will probably do so in other parts of the world in this century.

  4. A business with a $250,000 taxable profit (remember, employee wages are deductible) will pay no additional tax. If that company makes an additional $100,000 of taxable profit (40% more profit) their tax increase that Obama is proposing is $3000 more than what they would pay otherwise. With a 40% increase in profit, I think they can easily afford an addition $3000 without being "clobbered".

  5. And improving the bottom-line doesn't just help rich people. It also helps countless middle-class folks with pensions and whole-life policies.

  6. I don't have a problem with the top rates going up, Jerry. I would prefer that the threshold go up from $250,000 (for a family, for an individual it's $200,000) to somewhere between that and the $1,000,000 that Senator Schumer offered as a compromise. But, yes, I am in favor of revenues as part of an overall deficit reduction package (as I believe that Jeb Bush is as well).

  7. I did not lie, WD. I just don't feel that Obama should target small businesses at all. Yet his plan does in fact do this. I am confident it won't be passed, and if it does, I hope the small business owner can shuffle money around so they don't have to pay one cent and don't have to endanger any jobs.

    And this tax increase will only make the economy weaker. Maybe not by much, but the impact can only be negative. That is what happens when you suck money out of the economy.

  8. Small business, the next "oyster bed" that the statists of Obama's ilk actually see as the next "bed" to harvest.

    It has always been, and continues to be a slow march.

  9. And WD has argued that anyone who pays a worker a fair wage is a plutocrat. This fits in with the fascistic mindset of many on the left that all business, even small business, is the enemy.

  10. dmarks: And WD has argued that anyone who pays a worker a fair wage is a plutocrat. This fits in with the fascistic mindset of many on the left that all business, even small business, is the enemy.

    I've never argued this. Small business are a very important driver of our economy. Economic policies should be geared toward helping them flourish.

    dmarks is the one with the fascistic mindset, which is why he always argues for polices that would crush labor and make it easier for corporations to harm their workers and the public... policies like eliminating tariffs and the minimum wage, getting rid of unions and gutting regulations.

    But nobody should ever listen to dmarks where "fascism" is concerned... as he doesn't know what the word means. Those on the Left generally believe we need to go in the direction of more socialism, so it would be quite impossible for any of our mindsets to be fascistic (fascism being a far Right ideology).

  11. The definition of fascism fits both the far left and far right. Speaking on fact, of course.

    I would never get rid of unions. This is one of your many lies.

  12. As for helping small businesses, if you want them to flourish you will oppose Obama's greedy plan to rob 3% of them... the ones that hire the most people. He should pat them on the back not kick them in the teeth.

  13. Just exactly how is Obama "kicking them in the teeth"?

  14. With the proposed tax hike on the 4% of them that are most successful and employ, proportionately, the most workers. He should be helping them, not robbing them.

  15. The 4% increase, going back to the rate during the Clinton presidency, applies only to income over about $250,000. Therefore someone making $250,100 of taxable income will pay $4 more and someone making $350,000 of taxable income will pay only $4000 more. That is hardly "kicking them in the teeth" or "robbing them".

  16. Even if it is as low as you say, you have Obama punishing the small businesses that employ the most people with this fine of several thousand dollars.

    Why do this at all? Why not punish instead those that do something wrong? And why do small businesses deserve such a punishment at all?

  17. They shouldn't be. But in this case, they clearly are. And they are being used to punish a group that I was not aware had committed any wrongdoing: small business owners who employ the most people.

  18. So, small businesses should not pay taxes?

  19. And now a few thousand dollars on an additional hundred thousand dollars profit is "punishment" instead of "kicking them in the teeth" or "robbing them"?

  20. If it is so small. why do it it all? Is the effect just to show small business owners who is boss, and to piss them off even more?

    Sorry, I still oppose Obama robbing and punishing small business owners. Even by what you seem to argue is a token amount.

    Why not do this instead to big business?


    "So, small businesses should not pay taxes?"

    Yes, but this can probably be reduced. Not increased. Small businesses employ such a huge proportion of the American work force. It makes sense to encourage them, not rob them for senseless punitive reasons and punish them.

    Sorry, Jerry. Small business is not the enemy.

  21. I agree, small businesses are not the enemy and making the ones that have taxable incomes (remember, that's income after all deductible expenses) of over $250,000 is not punishment.

    And big business should pay more in taxes.


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