Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hm, Let's See, Who Do I Trust Here,

A well respected, non-partisan, multiple award-winning (3 Edward R. Murrow awards and 2 Emmy awards) mainstream journalist with absolutely ZERO AGENDA (Sharyl Attkisson), or a well-known partisan/agenda-driven hack/erstwhile democratic operative whose article was laced with lies, inconsistencies, and stuff that just doesn't pass the smell-test (Katherine Eban)? Hm, yeah, that's an extremely difficult choice......NOT!!!!!!.......................................................................................Oh, and one of those Edward R. Murrow awards, it was for her coverage of Operation Fast and Furious. Just for the record here.


  1. Obviously the person to trust is the one who got the story right, Katherine Eban... not the person who got it wrong, Sharyl Attkisson. As for the "Edward R. Murrow" award... they should think about asking for that back. They gave it out prematurely anyway. The DOJ investigation isn't complete.

    FYI, there are no "inconsistencies and stuff that just doesn't pass the smell-test" in Katherine Eban's article. Also, nothing she wrote has been proven to be a "lie" either. You're pretty quick to throw out the "lie" accusation when the person you're accusing isn't named George W bush, aren't you?

  2. Once again WD shows the results of parental emotional abuse.Years of being raised as a girl has effected WD's ability to think clearly.He not only questions his own sexuality but also has a skewed view of everyday events and connot grip reality.

  3. Ending speculation Anderson Cooper came out of the closet will be Sen.Lindsey Graham.

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  6. "The White House has already acknowledged the truth of our report." CBS spokeswoman, Sonya McNair.............And this Eban idiot did lie. She said that the ATF didn't have the authority or the resources to interdict the guns and just the stimulus bill alone gave that ATF field office 10 million dollars to counteract gun running. She also said that there was no way to track the guns when even you yourself admitted that they took down the serial numbers (they took down the serial numbers but didn't put in the tracking devices - duh!) and were in fact able to track the weapons used in the Terry killing. The fact of the matter is that each of these transactions was done with the oversight and blessing of the ATF. They and the DOJ allowed the weapons to walk. Period............And if Mr. Dodson was lying, then why in the hell did this Voth idiot stay silent for 15 frigging months and why, pray tell, does the White House stand behind their acknowledgment that gun-walking occurred. This Eban basically took the word of a total incompetent and tried to make political advantage over it. Shameless, absolutely shameless.

  7. Hey, Russ, I worked as a corrections officer for a short time before becoming a teacher/rec director and I would say that 80-90% of the people that I met in prison claimed to be innocent. And that's kind of how I see this Voth idiot. Of course he's going to say that he didn't do anything wrong.......And what in the hell is up with wd turning even this into a partisan issue? Nobody's (or at least I'm not) accusing Mr. Obama of malfeasance. We're just trying to get to the bottom of this. I mean, I don't even know what the party affiliation of Voth and Dodson are, for Christ.

  8. You know Will,F&F has been smouldering for a while.During an election year it going to get much focus.

    In my mind there are far too many democratic operatives including Ms.Eban out there trying to throw a blanket over it.That alone leads me to believe the old adage "where there's smoke there's fire."

    The troubling issue is that an american border agent died because of this program,not to mention over 200 Mexicans.

    All the dems are worried about is keeping an incompetent Eric Holder in office until the election.

    I'd be willing to lay 9-2 that if Obama gets re-elected Eric Holder resigns by March of 2013.

  9. As for WD,what response did you expect from him? Of course he'd be blindly partisan...its the only way he can function...he cant have a individual thought...he's not wired for it...he must be contrarian...its all he knows...a person in his condition will exert all efforts seeking minutiae that he believes support his position.His parents really did a number on him.

    Enough of that,its obvious...never let a guy from Jersey minor in psych.

  10. Rusty: Of course he'd be blindly partisan... its the only way he can function... he cant have a individual thought... he's not wired for it.

    And the "he" you're referring to is yourself? It's got to be, because I'd say that riff describes Rusty perfectly.

    Will: We're just trying to get to the bottom of this.

    Hahaha. You've already gotten to the bottom of it. You know exactly what happened.

    I want to get to the bottom of this, and think we were going in the totally wrong direction until the Katherine Eban article was published. I really hope the administration fights back on this, but am afraid they'll sweep it under the rug and the truth will never be widely known... many people will continue to believe the false narative.

    Both Holder and Obama were quick to "admit" gunwalking was occuring when it actually wasn't. But they have a history of this. They believed the initial reports regarding Shirley Sherrod and acted too quickly to appease the Right. That's what happened here.

  11. Sorry, wd, but emails, memos, sworn affidavits, and Capitol Hill Testimony thoroughly trump a hard-core Democratic operative's interviewing of a guy whose livelihood and self-preservation are highly contingent upon him lying. These were illegal gun sales that the ATF and DOJ were not only aware of, but orchestrated as well. I mean, my God, they even got the IRS involved to help the gun dealers out with their taxes!

  12. Once again Will is "sorry" for being "right". I wonder if he has EVER admited being wrong? I seriously doubt it. I suspect he isn't wired for it. No matter what facts you throw at this guy he's ALWAYS right!

  13. I was wrong about Michael Jackson. I was wrong about the first Gulf War. I was wrong in voting for Perot in '96 and Nader in '00. I may have been wrong about the drone attacks in Pakistan (I was strenuously against them in '08 but they seemed to have worked to a degree - though, yes, there is now the law of diminishing returns perhaps).......There are a lot of close calls in politics and journalism, wd. This just doesn't happen to be one of them, IMO. The woman used as her main source an individual who is so far under a cloud of suspicion that not even that Dopler shit can find him.

  14. Will said: "Sorry, wd, but emails, memos, sworn affidavits, and Capitol Hill Testimony thoroughly trump a hard-core Democratic operative's interviewing of a guy whose livelihood"

    Remember, Will "Hard core Democratic operative" is all that matters to WD. Remember his insistence on the "Bush went AWOL" hoax being true? Because once you got past the Democrats and their forged documents, all it came down to was claims made by some party hack. (claims that were contradicted by Bush's actual record).

  15. WD said: "Once again Will is sorry for being right."

    It's nothing to be sorry for, really. You could learn something from him. He admits when he is wrong.

  16. bush not being AWOL was the hoax. The documents may have been forgeries, but the information they contained was from real documents. This was confirmed by Marian Carr Knox, a secretary at Ellington Air Force Base from 1956–1979 and Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian's assistant at the time (Killian was bush's commander). Marian Carr Knox was never a "Democratic operative".

    Also, I'm unaware that Katherine Eban is a "Democratic operative". I attempted to Google for some info about her supposed role in Hillary Clinton's campaign, but couldn't find anything.

  17. WD said: "bush not being AWOL was the hoax."

    The historic record is the opposite of what you claim. You keep slandering Bush in so many ways.

    He never went AWOL. He was never charged with it. In fact, he was honorably discharged. That doesn't happen when someone goes AWOL.

    "The documents may have been forgeries"

    How clueless can you be? "MAY" have been? Come on: These fakes were purported to be from the early 1970s, but contained MS Word fonts that weren't created until decades later.

    "but the information they contained was from real documents."

    No one buys this crap.

    "This was confirmed by Marian Carr Knox..."

    Confirmed or denied? It is all shifting sands. read this.

    So here we have fake documents about a historic event that is proven to have never happened.... and some addled and inconsistent claims that the information on the forgeries was real.

    Anyone with any sense would do nothing but laugh about attempts to support forged documents.

    But you threw out any idea of sense with your doubts that 1970s documents with MS Word fonts were forgeries at all.

    George W. Bush served honorably. Which is a lot more than you ever did.

  18. bush was AWOL, as confirmed by a person who was in a position to know. Also, the documents were forgeries, most likely planted by Karl Rove to discredit the story. That is why, when CBS news asked the White House to comment on the documents (before they aired the story), the White House said they had no reason to not believe the documents weren't genuine. It was an obvious set up. Also, Dan Rather stands by the story (he said this in a recently published book).

    bush wasn't charged with going AWOL because of who is daddy is. As the son of a wealthy and influential man he got special treatment. It happens all the time.

    And, just because someone gets away with something does not make them innocent. I suppose you believe OJ was wrongly convicted in the civil case because someone else murdered his wife?

  19. He was not charged with AWOL due to lack of evidence. Once again you make up charges about Bush that the experts refute. In fact, they declared him 'not guilty' resoundingly by the honorary discharge.
    The Rove thing about the forged/hoax evidence is hilarious. Face it. It is all based on a hoax.

    Whatever my opinion on OJ, I defer to the experts.

  20. Back to real history. George W. Bush did not commit AWOL and instead was discharged honorably. You must be jealous of his accomplishments and seek to belittle him. You are a piss-poor excuse for an American for slandering and pissing on the honored accomplishments of someone who served. You did not.

    Sit down and shut up.


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