Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Greatest List of All Time (Courtesy of Jack Kerouac's "The Dharma Bums")

"The other poets were either hornrimmed intellectual hepcats with wild black hair like Alvah Goldbrook, or delicate pale handsome poets like Ike O'Shay (in a suit), or out-of-this world genteel-looking Renaissance Italians like Francis Dapavia (who looks like a young priest), or bow-tied wild-haired old anarchist fuds like Rheinhold Cacoethes, or big fat bespectacled booboos like Warren Coughlin."


  1. What? Not a pusillanimous pussyfooter, a nattering nabob of negativism, or a hopeless, hysterical hypochondriac of history to be found among this effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals.?


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