Sunday, June 24, 2012

On Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, and Brad Paisley

I couldn't name you a single song by the three of them combined.


  1. I wouldn't be able to tell which one was which either, if shown them. Other than that the third one has identifiable by his distinctive intricate pattern of curved, feather-shaped figures based on a pine-cone design from India.

  2. I'm pretty sure they've never done a song together.

  3. And I think that Kenny Chesney once dated Renee Zellweger.

  4. One thing for sure.....these three have made a boat load of money and their groupies in the dresses and cowboy boots dont look bad either....not that I've noticed.

  5. Yeah, you're right, Russ, the chick factor is exceptionally sold.

  6. And they are in the 1% for sure....

    Must mean they are plutocrats who stole every penny?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Being in the one percent doesn't automatically make you a plutocrat. Plutocrats use their wealth to try and influence the political process to their advantage.

    Tim McGraw said, "It's innate in me to be a Democrat -- a true Southern populist kind of Democrat". ... so he's no plutocrat.

    I'm not sure about Kenny Chesney and Brad Paisley though. If they are Republicans (as many country stars are) they certainly could be using their wealth plutocratically.

    Bill Maher is quite wealthy, but he donated to the Obama Super PAC. Obama says he believes the wealthy should pay their fair share... so Maher, despite being very wealthy, isn't a plutocrat.

    And, btw, I've never said anything about plutocrats "stealing every penny". You just made that up.

  9. "Obama says he believes the wealthy should pay their fair share."

    They already pay the lion's share (the top 10% of earners paying 70% of taxes), so if anything the share is more than "fair".

  10. WD said: "And, btw, I've never said anything about plutocrats "stealing every penny". You just made that up."

    Actually, you have accused so-called "plutocrats" of stealing, countless of times. Entirely without regard to the meaning of the world, and (as is typical with you) without any charges, convictions, or even accusations of any weight.

  11. Wow! Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, Jake Owen & Grace Potter are performing in the concert this weekend! I'm very happy as my friend and I have booked cheap Tim McGraw tickets for his upcoming show this weekend from GoodSeatTickets!

  12. dmarks: the top 10% of earners paying 70% of taxes... so if anything the share is more than "fair".

    It's less than fair. The "make" most of the money, therefore they should pay most of the taxes. Obama is right on this.

    dmarks: Actually, you have accused so-called "plutocrats" of stealing, countless of times.

    I never said they stole "every penny". You made that up. But you have a habbit of playing fast and lose with the facts, often exaggerating things to the point of absurdity. For example: The piddly amount of "WMD" that was found in Iraq that you think justifies bush's illegal invasion.

    dmarks: Entirely without regard to the meaning of the world...

    Maybe I did use the word "steal" entirely without regard to the meaning of the world. You'll have to explain what that means first before I know one way or the other.

  13. Why in the hell would Grace Potter want to play with those bozos?

  14. Actually, wd, the top 1% makes 43% of the country's total AGI, not most, so on this one you're either ill-informed or you're lying. And, since the median income for the top 1% is only $112,000, I'm pretty sure that they DO "make" their money and DO NOT steal it from others.......You're getting worse, dude.

  15. 112K? That is low. Perhaps we need a minimum wage for American's top "earners"? Also, perhaps I'm BOTH ill-informed AND lying? Did that occur to you?


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