Sunday, June 3, 2012

On the "LBJ Wasn't a Liar" Line

a) LBJ promises the American people that he will not send troops to Vietnam.......b) LBJ orders the provocative action of sending military vessels to the Gulf of Tonkin in an effort to collect electronic information and bombard North Vietnamese radar installations.......c) LBJ utilizes a sketchy and questionable report of a couple of errant torpedoes that DO NO DAMAGE as  pretext to mount what was a 600,000 troop land invasion of Vietnam.......d) LBJ lies REPEATEDLY to the American public as to the war's progress, constantly saying that everything was going swimmingly well WHEN IT WASN'T. The fact that anyone would even attempt to defend this individual is chilling.


  1. Indeed, CHILLING!

    LBJ, was a mover and shaker, a superbly devious and effective statist...

    Until his Vietnam policy (fiasco) blew up in his face.

  2. And I don't even think that HE'S a war criminal!

  3. At least I'm consistent, wd. Whether you're a D or a damned R, you gotta be pretty damned evil for me to throw lingo like that shit around; war criminal, fascist thug, etc..


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