Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Note to Rachel Maddow 3

I think that you may have totally jumped the shark on this one, dude; trying to blame Operation Fast and Furious on the Bush administration. I mean, come on, man! Anybody who even knows a little about this story knows that it was hatched solely by the Obama administration (or at least by the ATF during his tenure) and that, while, yes, there may have been a similar program during the Bush years, the two plans weren't even remotely identical...................................................................................................a) Operation Wide Receiver (the Bush initiative) wasn't even a quarter the size of Fast and Furious. b) Operation Wide Receiver wasn't even a gun-walking policy (a policy that had NEVER once been utilized prior to Obama). It was a controlled delivery policy (a plan in which the ATF attempted to keep track of each and every weapon)  in which a lot of the guns had radio tracking devices and in which few of them ever made it all the way to Mexico. c) Operation Wide Receiver was conducted with the full knowledge and cooperation of the Mexican government. Operation Fast and Furious, not so much. d) Operation Wide Receiver was shut down the very first instant that any of the guns fell off the grid. Operation Fast and Furious was only shut down when two of the guns showed up at the murder scene of Brian Terry. And e) the body count. Far more Mexican citizens have been annihilated by Fast and Furious (between 200 and 300 it is estimated)......................................................................................................I mean, I know that you're a hard-core partisan Democrat and all but you're really starting to act a lot like Hannity lately. Please, dude, knock it off.


  1. I don't think so. I watched another program last week, but I've been watching Rachel this week. I didn't hear her blame bush for Fast and Furious.

  2. I saw her try to blame Bush on Bill Maher's show. It was shameless, absolutely shameless.

  3. Will: Wouldn't you think that if it were Bush's fault, they would have made all the files months ago, instead of the ongoing "We're Above the Law" executive privilege gambit?

  4. I have'nt put much stock in this F&F circus thats transpired the past few weeks...but now I'm begining to think there maybe some fire with the smoke....why you ask,because the dems have been throwing out the old race card the past few days.

    The race card is usually their last stop when they know they are losing an issue and in this case I think they realize Steadman is a dead man walking and perhaps just maybe Obama has a finger print on something.

    I dont think the dems realize the race card,due to overuse has lost most its luster.

  5. But it isn't a scandal after all, Russ. Didn't you here that deafening decree from that Obama lackey over at Fortune Magazine?

  6. Wrong, wd, the people who that Obama lackey interviewed are are a part of the scandal and some of them are even facing possible indictment in the future. Of course they're going to say that there wasn't any wrong-doing. Duh!!!

  7. What "scandal"? The scandal that the NRA has bought off the Conservative members of Congress? If so, I agree that is a horrific scandal.

  8. No, I'm talking about the fact that the ATF allowed 2 thousand high-powered weapons to get into Mexico and of how hundreds and hundreds of Mexican nationals are dead as a doornail because of it.

  9. Will: "Allowed" is a mild term, I think. Too mild. The ATF had more of an active responsibility for this than a mere "allowing"

  10. 2,000 guns making their way into the hands of drug dealers and 300 dead Mexicans and wd has the utter balls to put the word, scandal, in parentheses. Can you even believe this guy?

  11. Will: Never forget. It's not the scandal or what people actually do that matter to him. It's whether or not there is a "D" after their name.

  12. Yeah, and I SO don't get it on this one. Obama himself hasn't been implicated in any way, shape, or form. And, while I don't doubt that the Republicans are playing some politics here, too, you'd think, wouldn't you, that EVERYBODY would want to get to the bottom of this?

  13. Will: No, I'm talking about the fact that the ATF allowed 2 thousand high-powered weapons to get into Mexico and of how hundreds and hundreds of Mexican nationals are dead...

    The Fortune magazine story reveals that the ATF didn't allow that. It was allowed by our weak gun laws (for which we can thank the NRA and their Republican lackeys).

    dmarks: "Allowed" is a mild term, I think. Too mild. The ATF had more of an active responsibility for this than a mere "allowing"...

    What you're describing is a paranoid conspiracy theory being pushed by partisans who have no scruples at all... and others who are simply bat-shit crazy.

    dmarks: Never forget. It's not the scandal or what people actually do that matter to him. It's whether or not there is a "D" after their name.

    I agree... if the "him" you're referring to is yourself (which would be strange... referring to yourself as "him"... but it's the only way your comment makes any sense).

    Will: ...you'd think, wouldn't you, that EVERYBODY would want to get to the bottom of this?

    Not at all. The Republicans don't want to get to the bottom of it. They just want to use it for partisan advantage. And people like dmarks as well... they also want to use this "scandal" for partisan advantage.

    Also, I thought you were pretty clear that what really happened wasn't important to you either. Otherwise why completely dismiss the statements of those ATF agents who said there was no gunwalking BEFORE the investigation is complete?

    ...and keep insisting that Holder step down when the facts now indicate he did nothing wrong (except give in to the lies concerning what happened)?

  14. "Not at all. The Republicans don't want to get to the bottom of it. "

    Exactly. This is why the Republicans are insisting that Holder and Obama keep the F&F documents secret. They are deathly afraid of what will happen if Holder turns anything over.

    Yesterday, in fact, the Republicans in the House and many Democrats gave Eric Holder a special commendation and a lot of praise for his insistence in keeping these documents, and their damning revelations about the NRA and Republicans and Bush, secret.

    From the Associated Press, 6/28/2012:

    "A House Republican official, who was not authorized to be quoted by name, said White House and Justice Department representatives met and showed the GOP staff less than 30 pages of documents related to the aftermath of the botched gun-tracking operation known as Fast and Furious. The official was angry that the White House showed him such a large number of pages, and hopes the White House shows more discretion in the future and keeps all of the documents secret"

  15. dmarks [quoting the AP, or so he says]: Justice Department representatives met and showed the GOP staff less than 30 pages of documents...

    USA Today: Holder said Justice already has turned over more than 6,000 documents related to the case... (2/2/2012)

    WOW! You were WAY off on that one.

    dmarks: They are deathly afraid of what will happen if Holder turns anything over.

    Holder turned virtually everything over.

    dmarks: ...their damning revelations about the NRA and Republicans and Bush, secret.

    That information is in the documents they already turned over. That's why the Republicans didn't like those documents.

  16. Holder has refused to turn over important documents, and has refused to tell the truth. This is why a bipartisan majority of Congress has held him in contempt.


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