Friday, June 22, 2012

A National Disgrace 2

One of the convicts that former Mississippi governor, Haley Barbour, pardoned was a three time DUI offender, who, as a consequence of this pardon, promptly committed vehicular homicide while fully intoxicated (the victim being a teenage girl who's own life was just beginning to come together). The fact that we apparently still have a political system in which Presidents and Governors in this country can pardon miscreants such as this (and, please, keep in mind here, a pardon wipes the slate entirely clean) is really something that needs to be addressed and quickly.....Sorry, I can't even look at him.


  1. Is this policy some sort of throwback to some royal policy?

  2. Should governors have pardon power for someone on their way to the execution chamber? Or zero pardon power?

  3. Good question. I would say that staying an execution is probably something that I could live with.

  4. So,its fine if a governor pardons someone who's about to ride the bolt but not so much for an alcoholic felon.Is that what you guys are saying?

  5. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances with the death penalty and if in fact there are any doubts pertaining to a specific case, no, I don't particularly mind staying a killing.


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