Wednesday, May 9, 2012

They Say that We Use What % of Our Brain?

And who in the hell are these frigging "plutocrats"? I mean, if you listen strictly to these 99%ers, you'd think that they were all frigging investment bankers and hedge-fund managers. Yeah, well, guess what, folks, THEY'RE NOT!!! Yeah, that's right, 31% are executives, managers, and supervisors in fields TOTALLY UNRELATED TO FINANCE, 16% are in the medical field (doctors, dentists, chiropractors, podiatrists, etc), 8% are lawyers, 5% are engineers or in other tech-related fields, 5% are in sales, 5% are retired, 3% are entrepreneurs, 2% are farmers, 2% are in real estate, and, hell, there are even 4% of them that are in the blue-collar field. Not exactly a monolithic entity, in other words. And, yes, for the hard-left (of which I do NOT include most mainstream Democratic politicians, btw) to so moronically homogenize them is pretty God damned divisive, in my opinion........................................................................................P.S. Actually, aside from the part where he referred to the President as a "fucking asshole", I really DO tend to agree with Jon Lovitz. The President totally IS pitting one group against another and, while, yes, the rich in fact probably do need to pay a little bit more, for him to say that they aren't ALREADY paying a great deal is flat-out "bullshit". You go, Jon.


  1. He obviously doesn't pay his fair-share, either, Les.......And it's like Mr. Lovitz said, they tell you to go for it in this country and then we you do and ultimately succeed, they demonize you.

  2. Whining complainers who have no reason to be complaining should be called out. Nobody's being "demonized". People who actually believe that is happening are delusional or playing the "victim" card in an attempt to score some class warfare points for the winning side.

    These whining a-holes need to be told to shut the eff up and pay a little more to support the system that made it possible for them to become wealthy. Few people have any sympathy for rich people crying "poor me".

    Excepting people like Will, obviously. If you worship the wealthy like Will it breaks your heart when anyone even suggests taxes go back to where they were pre-Reagan.

  3. If you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd know that Mr. Lovitz also said that he'd be willing to pay a higher percentage in taxes. He just doesn't like this bullshit language that a group that already pays 36.7% of all federal income taxes doesn't pay its fair-share. And you demonize successful people all the time; "greedy bastards", "whining a-holes". You, a person who doesn't know damn butt squat about what it takes to be successful in anything.......And a 70% rate today would be significantly different than it was back then. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 got rid of a tremendous number of loopholes and to tax people at that rate today would be criminal. And it's not called worship. It's called a respect for private property.

  4. "To support the system that made it possible" - you stole that word for word from that Elizabeth Warren pinko! And you want to give the successful people in this country no credit for their success and the unsuccessful people no blame for their lack of success? Really, wd? Talk about an oversocialized conception of man.

  5. Ahhh WD,your comments once again show you are indeed envious of anyone successful....look,here's a news one is going to pay you 1% money to hawk CD's no one actually wants.The sad fact is,you may really have to get a big boy job....even it entails wearing a paper hat.Sooooo,get with the program,get up at 6:00 a.m. and truck your sorry ass to a real job.It really wont kill you!!!!

  6. Will: And you demonize successful people all the time; "greedy bastards", "whining a-holes".

    It isn't "demonizing" if it's true. And of course those descriptors only apply to some wealthy people, not all of them. Obviously you aren't a whiner if you don't whine... like Jon Lovitz.

    Will: He just doesn't like this bullshit language that a group that already pays 36.7% of all federal income taxes doesn't pay its fair-share.

    It isn't bullshit. They aren't paying their fair share. They pay a large percentage of the taxes because they "make" such a HUGE percentage of the income.

    And those doing the demonizing here are YOU and Rusty. Both of you are constantly demonizing lower wage people by insisting the only reason they're objecting is because they're jealous and lazy. SHAME ON YOU!

    Will: And it's not called worship. It's called a respect for private property.

    What a load of BS. ALL of your posts where you speak about your "respect for private property" are about rich people... Nobody else owns property? It's worship.

  7. They make 16.9% of the total AGI and pay 36.7% of the total federal income tax load. Only a greedy, weaselly little loser like you would somehow see that as askew. And I've worked with poor people for my entire life, pal. Yes, some of them are poor due to no fault of their own. But there are also A LOT of them who are poor because of their own bad choices and stupidity. To deny that is to flat-out deny reality.............And I respect ALL private property, sonny. FOR INSTANCE, I am against 90% of the eminent domain cases that confiscate mostly poor people's property (!!!!!!) to build fucking strip malls (unlike the liberal justices of the Supreme Court who sided with the developers in that disgraceful CT case) and I have repeated pointed out that to pay for all of your government schemes and handouts that you want the middle class is also going to have to get reamed (there just isn't enough money in the upper class to fund the government AS IT IS for more than a few months).

  8. And you "worship", too, pal - government bureaucrats.

  9. Will: They make 16.9% of the total AGI and pay 36.7% of the total federal income tax load. Only a greedy, weaselly little loser like you would somehow see that as askew.

    AGI is a lot larger than the total federal income tax load. You keep citing these figures... obviously you think it shows there is some kind of injustice taking place? It's as if you think they should be equal?

    It an argument that makes no sense... but then I don't believe any argument a wealthy idiolizer puts forth to justify a rigged system that enables some to accumulate excessive wealth makes any sense.

    Also, the only purpose of government bureaucrats is to do the business of "we the people"... I sure as hell don't "idolize" them, since many of them often don't do their jobs... because those directing their actions have been corrupted by the wealthy elites.

    Democracy and not plutocracy is what I worship.

  10. "AGI is a lot larger than the total federal income tax load." Well, of course the former is larger than the latter, you idiot. If it wasn't we'd be living a totally communistic country. And I'm not saying that they should be equal OR that the present ratio is an injustice, just that it doesn't represent any sort of "not paying their fair share" talking point.......And if a 2.2:1 ratio isn't a good enough punishment for you, then what in the hell would be; 3:1, 4:1, 5:1 (and, yes, keep in mind here, at the present level of earnings, a 5.9:1 ratio is the highest that you can go)? Tell us, wd (Mr. oracle of fairness).

  11. "Also, the only purpose of government bureaucrats is to do the business of 'we the people'." LOL What in the hell kind of world do you live in? I mean, seriously, have you ever even dealt with a government bureaucrat before? The main purpose of a government bureaucracy is to to perpetuate itself. My God, are you ever frigging gullible.


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