Saturday, May 5, 2012

On Tonight's Mayweather-Cotto Fight

I know that it isn't going to happen but I would really love, LOOOOOOOVE, to see Mr. Cotto punch the feces out of this Mayweather punk. I mean, just the miserable little bastard's smugness alone....


  1. Wikipedia: On the evening of Saturday, May 5, Mayweather defeated Cotto in 12 rounds by unanimous decision, improving his record to 43-0. Mayweather earned the biggest guaranteed purse in boxing history, $32 million, when he fought Cotto, according to contracts filed with the Nevada State Athletic Commission. [end excerpt from Wikipedia]

    The smugness continues?

    I was rooting for... neither one. Was this an event that you had to pay to see? Did you pay?

  2. I wouldn't pay a plug nickel to watch boxing.

  3. That's surprising. I'd have pegged you as an individual who would shell out big bucks and not miss a single match. This isn't one of the things you can buy due to all the money you're saving by going along with free trade policies that enrich the plutocrats and screw American workers?

  4. You have issues, wd. You take what is a totally apolitical post and turn it into yet another forum to spew your hate-fueled and hackneyed simple-simon talking-points. Look, we get it, wd. You're not successful and you only want to blames others for this abundant lack of success. But, dude, you gotta make at least a modicum of an effort to stay with the program here.

  5. Will: You have issues, wd.

    Everyone has issues. I fail to see what this has to do with my comment.

    Will: You take what is a totally apolitical post and turn it into yet another forum to spew your hate-fueled and hackneyed simple-simon talking-points.

    I said nothing that could be described as "hate-fuled", nor did I repeat any "hackneyed simple-simon talking-points". You must be thinking of comments of your own that you've made in regards to this topic.

    Will: Look, we get it, wd. You're not successful and you only want to blames others for this abundant lack of success.

    I've never said a thing about my "success", so I have no idea how you could "get it" that what you imagine about me is, in fact, accurate.

    Will: But, dude, you gotta make at least a modicum of an effort to stay with the program here.

    Well, you can delete my comments if you want... if you decide no off-topic comments are allowed. Although you'd have to delete many of Rusty's comments if you decided to impose that rule in a non-biased manner... otherwise I don't have to "stay with the program". I can leave any comment I wish.

  6. You're a walking bromide who obviously has no friends or prospects. I would be more than happy to allow you to show just how single-minded and rigidly ideological that you evidently have to be 24/7. Please, knock yourself out.

  7. Your Conservative bromides are getting quite predictable. I'm waiting for a topic where you don't parrot the Conservative talking points.

  8. That's a bald-faced lie. My health-care reform proposal (for example) wasn't anything remotely resembling a conservative talking-point. It included universal coverage, generous subsidies for the poor, and a catastrophic care provision.......And I'm not the one who's throwing around these loaded, inflammatory, and anachronistic terms like "plutocrat" (somebody fed that one to you, huh?).

  9. WD said: "Your Conservative bromides are getting quite predictable. I'm waiting for a topic where you don't parrot the Conservative talking points."

    I'm waiting for a topic where Will ever parrots conservative talking points. There have been none yet. And he's a moderate, not a conservative, so it is a "no brainer" that he wouldn't.

    You are really off base when we realize the fact that not even the conservatives commenting "parrot conservative talking points".

    We all make up our own minds and make our arguments using support from a wide variety of sources. There's clearly no parroting, and no "talking points".

    Since you use this accusation without regard to meaning, it's clear here that you are saying it just to try to be insulting, rather than make any valid observation.

    Will summarized what WD said: "That's a bald-faced lie."

    One might accuse you of being inflammatory or "angry" if not for the fact that WD's last comment was 100% fact free and without any support or sense at all.

    Will also said: "My health-care reform proposal (for example) wasn't anything remotely resembling a conservative talking-point. "

    Well, it is obvious that WD is working from a meaningless and self-serving definition of 'conservative talking point' that means "anything someone says that WD does not like".


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