Tuesday, May 8, 2012

On the Far-Left's Knee-Jerk Reaction to ANY Criticism of Obama - In a Nutshell

Two words, essentially; Romney's worse.


  1. Are you suggesting that Romneynis better?

  2. Of course that should be "Romney is". (Fat finger typing on an iPad)

  3. I find Obama somewhat more palatable. But I'm certainly not going to be a bootlicker for him when he drags his heels on gay rights and escalates wars overseas. For example.

  4. You've forgotten that "Don't Ask Don't Tell" was repealed under Obama?Obama is not dragging his heels on gay rights. Coming out in favor of gay rights right before the next presidential election would be stupid. Why do you believe Obama should do something that would HIGHLY motivate his opponent's supporters to get out and vote? Dumb.

  5. What I can not believe is that anyone is even talking about Obama and Romney when Johnson presents the best alternative and is the most likely to actually effect meaningful and effective changes.

    Of course with a dumb a*s legislative body like the nation presently has it would be a major uphill undertaking for Johnson to accomplish the sensible fiscal and foreign policy agenda he has.

  6. I agree RN that Johnson offers the greatest (meaning biggest difference) from Obama or Romney. And look at the difficulties that Obama has had with the "dumb a** legislative body". Johnson's problems would be 10x as great. But, hey, vote for him if you want to.

  7. Jerry, of course you are right. But I recognize the need for bold new ou of the box thinking. Johnson is the only candidate that offers such a choice.

    That I refuse to vote for a candidate that does not mirror my principles any longer.

  8. WD said: "Coming out in favor of gay rights right before the next presidential election would be stupid."

    Ah. So it is all politics, not principle.

  9. dmarks: Ah. So it is all politics, not principle.

    That reality is an "ah-ha" moment for you???

  10. I realized this with you, especially in the discussions of Maddow vs Hannity, MSNBC vs Fox, a long time ago.

  11. dmarks: I realized this with you, especially in the discussions of Maddow vs Hannity, MSNBC vs Fox, a long time ago.

    You realized wrong. I believe in standing up for principles and do not believe they should be tossed aside in favor of political victory. Obama most definitely should stand up in support of gay marriage... the only consideration should be when the best time to do that would be. If he does it before the election and loses as a result, then Romney will be able to roll back gay rights.

    What your comment concerning "politics versus principle" shows is how uninformed you are when you refer to the "ruling elites". We don't have "ruling elites", we have representatives. And those representatives risk being fired if they get out to far ahead of where the people are.

  12. Obama just came out in favor of gay marriage.......He's probably going to come out in favor of the Keystone pipeline after the election, too. Hey, maybe he should come out for that now, too, to equalize the damage.


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