Friday, May 11, 2012

On Elizabeth Warren's Minority Status

Yeah, right. And I'm a damned Viking.


  1. She's going to spend the rest of her campaign dressed in buckskins with a papoose on her back.

  2. Whatever it takes, apparently. 1/32nd and maybe not even that.

  3. Rachel Maddow covered this last night on her program. Elizabeth Warren is the same percentage Cherokee that the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, Bill John Baker is.

    You just don't like Elizabeth Warren because she uses the "divisive" language when she advocates that the wealthy individuals you idolize pay their fair share in taxes.

    Let me guess, you'd vote for Scott Brown if you lived in MA?

  4. Prediction: Will's next post will be on Eduardo Saverin. We all know whose side he's going to come down on. And dmarks will enthusiastically agree. Will is probably composing it as I write this.

  5. She's possibly, POSSIBLY, 3.1% Cherokee (notice how they ALL say that they're Cherokee and none of them say that they're Arapaho or Comanche?).......So, yes/in other words, she's 75% less Native American than George Zimmerman is African-American (his great-grandfather was black).......I have no idea who Eduardo Saverin is.

  6. Yes, I'd probably (I say probably because I do have an open mind) vote for Brown or a third party candidate.

  7. I could tell you, John, but then I'd have to set you on fire.


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