Thursday, May 3, 2012

Coulda, Woulda, and Absolutely Shoulda

Jon Huntsman (in my opinion, the most reasonable of the Republicans who ran) now appears to be pulling a "Colin Powell". Remember how Mr. Powell wrote that book in which he said that he was against the Iraq War and of just how much that he regretted that now infamous U.N. speech? Well, it appears that Mr. Huntsman is having a regret or two of his own these days. In a recent interview in New York, the former Utah governor and United States ambassador to China thoroughly lambasted the Republican party and especially regretted the fact that he was one of the ten who raised their hands over that silly 10-1 budget cuts to tax increases question...............................................................................Now, to be fair, it isn't exactly certain (given the idiotic format of such a debate) whether or not Mr. Huntsman would have been given the opportunity to explain himself; "Well, Bret, it kind of depends on what the particular cuts and taxes are. 10-1 - that's not exactly a bad deal if in fact you're looking to spread the sacrifice around a tad. I guess that you really need to be more specific here." But, still, a little bit of political courage, especially when you weren't going to win anyway - that alone would have been refreshing, no?


  1. Huntsman would probably do better as a Democrat...of course he would have to leave Utah.

  2. The Democrats should scarf up him, Chuck Hagel, and that Murkowski chick. Maybe a couple of others, too.

  3. Not. Should he make such a move the left wing of the statist leftist party would find a way to destroy his independent tendency.

    But hey, he didn't do so well in the big
    "R"republican statist party either.

  4. RN,
    Just who are these statist leaders that you are so afraid of? How about some names.

    1. Jerry, afraid? Not. Personally I no longer give a rats arse. But since you asked...

      GWB, BHO, NP, HR, PR, WR, ... the entire two party political system. Not to mention business who collided with Leviathan to destroy the capitalist system.

      If ya don't get it Jerry .ya just don't get it.

  5. I'm not talking about you not getting it Jerry.

  6. IMO, Hunstman was an extraordinary
    politician. That the GOP rejected him says much more about the state
    of the GOP than Huntsman...

  7. Correction - colluded, not collided in prior comment.

  8. Progressives haven't colluded (or collided) with Leviathan to destroy the capitalist system. We don't want to do favors for big business, we just want them to play by the rules.

    1. wd, On the favor thing I agree. As to Leviathan and business not in it together I would have to say they are, and progressives like FDR were only to willing to bed with business.

  9. They all engage in cronyism; Bush, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Boehner, Emanuel, Dick Cheney. To think that they're not is naive.

    1. You're of course right Will. I was pointing it out in a partisan way for the benefit of wd.

  10. I'm sorry, Les. I should have made it clearer that my point was also directed at wd.......I mean, just look at the frigging cape and trade proposal - a veritable grab-bag for big business.


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