Friday, May 25, 2012

Death of a Drum-Major

Robert Champion was beaten to death, literally. And if that alone wasn't enough of a tragedy, just try and get your arms around this. The most that any of the people who contributed to this senseless act can get for it is six years (the maximum for death due to hazing in Florida). SIX YEARS! That's all that Mr. Champion's life is worth, apparently.......................................................................................I mean, can you even begin to imagine being his parents; losing their son and then having to deal with this bullshit? The only, ONLY, saving grace here is that maybe some of these colleges will finally come to grips with these brutal rituals and end them, permanently (not that I'll be holding my breath for it any time soon, obviously).


  1. I suppose they think it is just a matter of "boys will be boys". Maybe a big earthquake will hit Florida and it will break off and float away.


    Indeed. Humans are brutal animals, the only species that inflict injury or death upon their on kind just for the "sport" of it.

  3. Those responsible for his death made a strategic blunder. Which, if you put it that way, doesn't sound so bad. Perhaps 6 years is an excessive punishment.

  4. Stop beating up on Obama. The fellow's doing the best that he can.

  5. You suggest that the people responsible for Robert Champion's death are guilty of a crime that should get them more than 6 years as a punishment... but maybe they actually believed that what they were involved in was a harmless hazing and they were simply wrong.

  6. That could be true, wd, but at the very least it should be manslaughter.

  7. So then it stands to reason that bush should be convicted of manslaughter for all the soldiers he sent to their deaths in the illegal war with Iraq. You know, because bush thought there was WMD but was simply wrong (or so you say).

  8. I wouldn't have been opposed to impeachment. Of course, they also would have had to impeach Cheney, too.

  9. Well then, perhaps we should "impeach" those responsible for the death of Robert Champion? Impeachment (if successful) results in removal from office. The equivalent here would be to kick them out of college. Does that sound fair to you?


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