Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Channeling Chris Hayes



  1. Channeling Will Hart:

    "I'm not a conservative" (after it's pointed out that his post/comment could be a direct quote from a Conservative source).

  2. Will, there's a troll under your bridge. If it wasn't just online, WD would be your stalker.

  3. Heathen Republican: Will, there's a troll under your bridge. If it wasn't just online, WD would be your stalker.

    Will's the one who writes posts with my blogger ID in the title.

    And I have no interest in stalking Will. If I lived near him I'd go out of my way to avoid him.

  4. I am betting the feeling is quite mutual wd.

    Although I do not speak for Will.

  5. Actually, Les, there's a part of me that wouldn't mind meeting the fellow. I've been working in human services for going on 30 years now and I don't think that I've ever encountered anybody quite this unique before. Can you magine what he's like after a couple of brewskis?

  6. Why is "oops" channeling Chris Hayes? Are you accusing him of reporting false information on his program (but issuing lots of "corrections")?

  7. You didn't see the flap over Mr. Hayes saying that dead American servicemen and women weren't heroes? And of how he had to frigging apologized for it?

  8. No, I had not heard about any flap, but now that I've looked into it I see you're on the side of those who are mischaracterizing his comments. What a surprise (not).

  9. a) I heard his comments and b) if they were somehow mischaracterized, then why in the hell did he apologize for them?

  10. Thanks for the link to Linda Ocasio, who definitely mischaracterized Hayes' comments.

  11. dmarks: Thanks for the link to Linda Ocasio, who definitely mischaracterized Hayes' comments.

    No, her take on what Hayes said nailed it. I agree 100 percent.

    Also, Chris Hayes never said dead American servicemen and women are't heroes. That isn't a mischaracterization, it's an outright lie.

  12. She only nailed herself. A writing moron defending a babbling moron. You only agree with her 100% because you know nothing about the issues. That combined with contempt for our people in the Armed Services. Neither is very good to be proud of, and yet you are.

  13. Has anyone ever seen Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow in the same room together? I think they are the same person...they do dress alike and both screech the same....just saying.

  14. Who has contempt for our people in the Armed Services dmarks? I don't. Chris Hayes does not. And I agree with what Linda Ocasio wrote because I'm so much better informed on this issue than you are. You clearly don't even know what Chris Hayes said.

  15. Maybe Hayes has learned. But when he did his stupid rant, he did. Ocasio does by defending his rant.

    Ocasio had no idea what she was saying, and is ignorant about military matters.

  16. dmarks: But when he did his stupid rant...

    Further proof that dmarks is criticizing Chris Hayes without knowing what he said. Chris Hayes' comments were thoughtful, intelligent and respectful. This "stupid rant" you refer to did not occur.

    dmarks: Ocasio had no idea what she was saying, and is ignorant about military matters.

    dmarks has no idea what he is saying. Linda Ocasio said nothing about military matters, so dmarks' conclusion that she is ignorant of them is based on nothing but his pro-war bias.

    IMO dmarks has contempt for our servicemen and women, due to his being so eager for them to die in a war based on lies.


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