Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Beyond Bush and Evil

One of the things that has most gotten lost in this whole "Bush is a war criminal" debate is the fact that ethics is almost as much a concept of intention as it is one of consequence. Saddam Hussein INTENTIONALLY tried to exterminate the Kurds. Pol Pot INTENTIONALLY tried to exterminate the intellectuals, Christians, professionals, Chinese, etc.. Hitler INTENTIONALLY tried to exterminate the Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals. Leopold 2 INTENTIONALLY tried to brutalize the black Africans of the Congo. The Turks INTENTIONALLY tried to exterminate the Armenians....President Bush has consistently said that he'd do it all over again, even knowing what he currently knows. I cannot believe that, folks. I refuse to believe it.


  1. Our own beliefs influence what we believe.

  2. In other words our principles influence our actions.

  3. Time changes; definitions change-
    IMO, a great warrior best summed it up-
    "Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing." Eisenhower-1954

  4. A couple questions:

    1) What will be the talking points from the left and the unions as they try to make custard out of mustard when Gov.Scott Walker handily beats back the recall vote next week?

    2) Is Elizabeth Warren just a flat out liar?

  5. Ike was a very wise man, BB IDAHO.......I don't know, Russ, but I'm sure that Debbie Wasserman Schultz will probably come up with something.

  6. Ike was wise and Wasserman is the antithesis of wise.

  7. I'm not a humongous fan of the partisan latter, either, Les.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 1) IF Wanker wins the Left will point to how much he outspent his opponent. They'll also point to the fact that a lot of it was outside money. Wanker is trying to buy the election. Also, criminal charges may be forthcoming. So, IF he wins, he could still be bounced out of office and end up in prison.

    2) No.

  10. Well, maybe if the DNC and went in there and helped the poor bastard, that might help.

  11. Is'nt that cute....look folks,look how witty WD is,he called Walker, know,like that british word'nt WD something...what a wit...thats a knee slapper...wanker...OMG thats funny....wanker....that is funny....ya gotta hand it to that WD.

    Ahhhhh,so now the left is going to hang their hats on Wanker being bounced out of office and going to prison.

    All those poor working folks union dues going to a failed recall effort for a governor whose policies have created over 32,000 jobs since he took office.The voiceless union members who have no say where their dues money is being spent...pitiful,just pitiful.Very similar to a few years ago when the SEIU spent about a zillion dollars of members money to beat Blanche Lincoln in a damn primary in Arkansas....and still lost...pitiful.

  12. Christ WD? No no defense of Elizabeth Warren.....perhaps you're 1/32nd native american....could be.

  13. Hey, Russ, it sounds like he thinks that that Wisconsin situation might be "rigged".

  14. You may have hit that nail right on the head Will....of course its rigged......I mean there's no other reason....the voters in Wisconsin cant possibly be that stupid not to dump Wanker....come on,Wanker hits from the right,people cant support his policies...they cant...there's only one explanation...the friggin thing is rigged....yep its rigged.

  15. I am sure if Wanker wins, which he likely will even given Bubba's appearing in Wisconsin, wd will feel wanked Wanker. The system is "rigged" don't you know?

  16. Walker is buying the election? Serious charges for sure. Does WD have any evidence of it? Doubtful he will come up with any at all.

  17. WD will hide on this one.

    Or he'll have some idiotic story how the Koch brothers gave every Wisconsin voter 10 grand in cash.He will fail to mention the money spent by the teachers union,SEIU and the AFL-CIO.

    Poor WD just wont be able to grasp the fact that the voters turned back the leftwing nuts.

  18. Rusty: Things go better with Koch.

  19. Things do seem to go better with Koch in Wisconsin.

  20. Rusty: ... a governor whose policies have created over 32,000 jobs since he took office.

    His policies have killed jobs. Businessweek says "...the Bureau of Labor Statistics... documented 33,900 in lost jobs".

    Wanker would lose for sure if everyone voted. The problem is that people are too apathetic. Also, Wisconsin is one of the states that passed a new voter ID law, which will surely disenfranchise some voters.

    Wanker thinks he can steal/buy this election (and he may be right, unfortunately).

    dmarks: Walker is buying the election? Serious charges for sure. Does WD have any evidence of it?

    Yes, I do have evidence of it. The same Businessweek article I quoted above notes that "recall supporters are facing a significant financial disadvantage after Walker raised more than $20 million this year -- five times that of his opponent..."

    dmarks: ...Things go better with Koch.

    Wealthy idolization rhetoric.

    Rusty: defense of Elizabeth Warren... perhaps you're 1/32nd native american...

    I'm not 1/32nd anything. And Elizabeth Warren is the best person for the job. I'd enthusiastically vote for her if I lived in MA. I think what this "controversy" shows is that the Brown campaign really has NOTHING to criticize her for. This trivial matter has zippo to do with the issues.

  21. Wrong on Wisconsin job creation WD.32,500 net created since Wanker took office.

    Please prove your Wanker would lose if everyone voted theory...thats one of the dumber things you've said.

    People must feel confident about Wankers policies if they continue to donate money to his cause....I mean there are'nt many who willingly flush money down the toilet like the SEIU does.

    As for Liz Warren.....the point is she's just a flat out liar...she lied to Harvard to get a job and she's lying to the people of,if you feel comfortable voting for a proven liar,go right ahead.

  22. While your to take a shot at todays bleak economic jobs report?

  23. WD said: "Wealthy idolization rhetoric."

    No, not at all. I am looking at the ideas, not the wealth.

    Rusty: Yes, it turns out that Elizabeth Warren boosted her career on a fraudulent claim of being a Native American. I have been following this for a long time on blogs that discuss Native American issues. She also plagiarized a book. I've read a about her fraud and deceit from Natives. It's a real issue, and has nothing to do with Brown at all.

    Rusty also said: "..I mean there are'nt many who willingly flush money down the toilet like the SEIU does."

    The sad thing is that most of this money is stolen from workers. This is why the SEIU is in PANIC MODE at the idea that workers can choose whether or not to give money to it.

    Finally, when asked about Walker buying the election, WD said "Yes, I do have evidence of it.". Yet he failed to give any. Please try again. Give evidence of buying the election, instead of people speaking out and saying things you don't like.

  24. Rusty: Wrong on Wisconsin job creation WD. 32,500 net created since Wanker took office.

    Wrong on WI job creation Rusty. 33,900 jobs LOST under Wanker according to the the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    It's in the interest of middle and lower class people to vote Democratic (although some of them don't realize it). Therefore, if everyone voted, the Democrat would most likely win. And WI has usually voted Democratic. I know something about this, as I was born in WI and lived there for over 30 years.

    Rich people are donating to Wanker because he's dedicated to cutting their taxes, even though it's costing jobs.

    Elizabeth Warren is a truth teller, which is why the plutocrats hate and fear her so.

    Also (and this has nothing to do with Elizabeth Warren) but John Edwards was found not guilty, contrary to Rusty's predictions. One count not guilty and hung jury on the other counts... and I've heard it's unlikely the prosecution will refile. This whole thing was a joke and should have been laughed out of court anyway.

    dmarks: No, not at all. I am looking at the ideas, not the wealth.

    Baloney. Also, the Koch ideas are terrible, as they benefit the wealthy and hurt the poor and middle class.

    dmarks: This is why the SEIU is in PANIC MODE...

    SEIU is standing up for it's members. That's what they use the money you falsely claim they "steal" for... defending workers against fascist thugs like Walker.

    dmarks: when asked about Walker buying the election, WD said "Yes, I do have evidence of it." Yet he failed to give any. Please try again.

    You need to try again dmarks. I presented the evidence. You're chosing to ignore it. Unfortunately I can't stop you from lying.

    dmarks: She also plagiarized a book.

    Try again. There were accusations of plagarizing a few sentences, not a whole book. And the claims were debunked and retracted. It was actually Elizabeth Warren who was plagarized.

  25. forgot to spin todays bleak jobs report.Except for Wisconsin,where over 32,000 jobs have been created.

  26. BTW WD:

    John Koskinen Wisconsin Chief Department of Revenue Economist (a non-partisan) reported on May 15,2012 that the Bureau of Labor Statistics report was wrong and there were actually 12,000 jobs created in 2011 and 10,000 in 2012.

    WD,dont you ever tire of posting some off the wall statistic just because it suits your twisted belief system even if its wrong?Dont you ever tire of making a jackass out of yourself?

  27. Rusty: forgot to spin todays bleak jobs report. Except for Wisconsin, where over 32,000 jobs have been created.

    I didn't forget to spin. I don't believe in spinning; I believe in the truth. You clearly aren't interested in the truth, as you keep repeating this bogus 32k jobs "created" in WI number.

    Rusty: Don't you ever tire of making a jackass out of yourself?

    I can't tire of something I've never done. Aren't you tired of making a jackass out of yourself? Obviously you did not even realize it, but you contradicted yourself in your second comment. 12K plus 10K isn't 32K.

  28. Here is a little more about those Wisconsin job numbers.

  29. Ole Rusty defers to:

    Jackass No.1....WD
    Jackass No.2...Jerry

  30. WD said; "It's in the interest of middle and lower class people to vote Democratic"

    Actually, it is in the interest of roughly half of them to vote Republican. It is not that they don't "realize" they should vote for the Democrat Party. It is that they are voting in their own interest, and for you to say otherwise is to speak out of complete ignorance. They know their own lives, and you do not. I trust the people. You clearly don't.

    "Elizabeth Warren is a truth teller, which is why the plutocrats hate and fear her so."

    She is finally admitting her lies. She's a fraud.

  31. Rusty, you never disappoint. Since you can't dispute the facts, you attack the source. Rusty's solution -- shoot the messenger.

  32. What facts Jerry? You take an article from a fringe site no one but you and maybe three others have heard of,they are quoting the ever popular "unnamed source" and you post it as a fact. can have your own cant have your own facts.

    You're in the same petri dish as WD.

  33. WD: "Baloney."

    Actually, I am looking at the ideas of the Koch brothers, not the wealth. You have no evidence to the contrary, and are just reacting out of emotion instead of logic.

    WD: "Also, the Koch ideas are terrible"

    That's your opinion, but it is hardly an intellectual argument.

    WD said "as they benefit the wealthy and hurt the poor and middle class."

    That is not an opinion, but an uninformed assertion which proves that you have no idea what you are talking about.

    "SEIU is standing up for it's members."

    That would be a first. SEIU is known for bullying its members, most of whom don't even want to be in it.

    Also, get a grip on reality. The specific 'standing up for its members' we are discussing is the SEIU taking money from people against their will. This is crushing the membership, not defending it.

    "That's what they use the money you falsely claim they "steal"

    Stealing is illegal taking, and it is illegal to use union dues for politics. But SEIU does this.

    "for... defending workers against fascist thugs like Walker.

    You have no idea what fascism means. I do, and therefore I know it certainly does not apply to Walker refusing to give more unearned handouts to fat and happy government workers.

    "You need to try again dmarks. I presented the evidence."

    No, you provided nothing at all about buying an election. But you did speak with scorn about people having the ability to speak out.

    "You're chosing to ignore it."

    We haven't come to that bridge yet. You've not made a case. There's nothing to ignore yet.

    "Unfortunately I can't stop you from lying."

    You can: just point it out when it happens. I look forward to the day, perhaps 5 years from now.

    As for Warren, she did indeed plagiarize a book of pow-wow recipes. You are behaving as a partisan reactionary. I've been sticking pretty close to the Native media, and unlike you, they don't lie about someone because there is a (D) after their name.

    "It was actually Elizabeth Warren who was plagarized."

    Talk about getting things backwards. What next? You will probably claim that the Cherokee victimized Warren.

    In fact, Warren's a fraud. A contemptible wannabe like Ward Churchill.

  34. Thanks, again, Rusty for confirmation of what I said.

  35. Appreciate the compliment Jerry....insightful comments like your make it all worthwhile.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. dmarks: Actually, I am looking at the ideas of the Koch brothers, not the wealth. You have no evidence to the contrary, and are just reacting out of emotion instead of logic.

    What are their ideas? Can you even cite any? I doubt it. And I don't know how you can claim to be looking at their ideas if you don't know what they are.

    dmarks: That's your opinion [that the Koch ideas are terrible], but it is hardly an intellectual argument.

    Koch Industries is one of the nation’s top polluters. The Kochs are for deregulating business and scaling back government programs such as Social Security, Medicare and the new healthcare reform law. They supported voter ID laws in Missouri and Texas which disenfranchised voters. The only reason they're involving themselves in politics is to advance their economic self-interest [source].

    dmarks: That is not an opinion, but an uninformed assertion which proves that you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I'm informed on the topic. dmarks is the uninformed one who is basing his assertions that Koch's ideas are good based solely on his idiolization of the rich.

    dmarks: SEIU is known for... taking money from people against their will. ... Stealing is illegal taking, and it is illegal to use union dues for politics.

    Where are the charges? If the SEIU is doing something illegal charges must have been filed. If no charges have been filed I'll assume they're following the law. I'm not a wild eyed crank like dmarks... making up illegality out of thin air.

    dmarks: You have no idea what fascism means. I do ... unearned handouts to fat and happy government workers.

    YOU don't know what fascism means. We've established this many times. Also, government workers only appear "fat" because they're being paid fairly while those in the private sector are being underpaid.

    dmarks: No, you provided nothing at all about buying an election.

    Walker is spending 5 times more than his opponent. Do you dispute this? Prove it, otherwise your claims to the contrary are just hot air.

    dmarks: As for Warren, she did indeed plagiarize a book of pow-wow recipes.

    Where is your link to a story that says Warren was sued and settled or was found guilty and paid damages? No charges means no crime, as per your own argument regarding bush's crimes (which you claim don't exist because he was never charged).

    dmarks: Talk about getting things backwards.

    Not "backwards"... Warren being plagarized was easily deduced by comparring the publication dates of her book and the book it was alleged she plagerized from. Her book was published first.

    dmarks: In fact, Warren's a fraud. A contemptible wannabe like Ward Churchill.

    That's a slanderous charge based on superficial baloney. Elizabeth Warren is the real deal. She is a fantastic advocate for the people (and has a record to back it up).

  38. Municipal workers are often disgustingly overcompensated. In CT here, we have some people who I used to work with retiring on a $55-60,000 a year pension (and, no, those douchebags aren't even anywhere near the top) starting at age 55. If these people live another 30 years, it will end up costing the taxpayer nearly 2 MILLION dollars per person! And I've already documented the fact that nearly 1 in 5 Federal employees makes in excess of $100,000 a year (not even counting benefits).......And a lot of people do very well in the private sector, wd. You just have to have some skills and a nonsingularly stinking attitude.


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