Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Pacman Reaketh

Boy, does that Karl Rove ever have chutzpah. The guy is bitching and moaning now about how President Obama is supposedly using official trips to do campaigning. Sounds like a legitimate criticism, you say? Well, clearly, if somebody else was making it! I mean, just look at the frigging numbers, for Christ. Back in 2004, then President Bush had actually taken more campaign trips on the taxpayer dime than Obama (I think that CNN had it 34-26 in "favor" of Bush). Look, we obviously DO need some serious reform here (this, in that the taxpayers are absolutely picking up way too much of the tab for this). But to have some loathsome partisan weasel like Karl Rove be the spokesperson for it is borderline laughable (and, no, not even Bill O'Reilly was buying this shit).


  1. Will, the question remains, does ANYBODY really give a rats arse?

    My guess, based on reality? Not one damn bit.

  2. Karl learned his trade from Lee Atwater, unfortunately emphasizing
    the con in conservative.

  3. Les, based upon the fact that people watch the news these days, not so much for information any more but strictly to reaffirm what they already think that they know....Yeah, you're probably right.............BB Idaho, Atwater? He was one of the fellows behind the Willie Horton ad, right? If so, then, yeah, a real peach.

  4. Will: ...the fact that people watch the news these days, not so much for information any more but strictly to reaffirm what they already think that they know...

    Let me guess, this does NOT apply to anyone who comments here... except me.

    As for Karl Rove, I'm no fan. He belongs in prison along with the rest of the bush war criminals.

  5. And don't forget Obama, wd. He greatly escalated one of these "illegal" wars and sextupled the drone attacks in Pakistan to the tune of thousands of innocent civilians being slaughtered over there. He's got to be considered one of those dag gum war criminals, too, no (if, that is, you want to be morally consistent and not a lackey)?

  6. Oh, and, if you still think that the Pakistani government is all peachy keen about this, think again. Pakistan's Foreign Ministry issued a statement recently saying the drone strikes "are in total contravention of international law and established norms of interstate relations. The government of Pakistan has consistently maintained that drone attacks are violative of its territorial integrity and sovereignty."......So much for that talking-point, huh?

  7. Will: if you still think that the Pakistani government is all peachy keen about this, think again.

    The AP via ABC News: ...some elements of the Pakistani government, including the military, have helped the U.S. carry out [drone] strikes in the past. That cooperation has come under strain as the relationship between the two countries has deteriorated, but many analysts believe some in the government still support the program at some level.

    Even those Pakistani officials believed to support the attacks often protest them in public because they are so unpopular in the country. [4/30/2012]

  8. Since when is the military the legitimate "we the people" of any sovereign nation? And since when is it OK to slaughter thousands of innocent civilians in exchange for billions of dollars of hush money (that's why some of those people STILL SUPPORT THE PROGRAM)? Noam Chomsky, wd, had the moral consistency to call a spade a spade here. What in the hell is your fucking problem?

  9. Will: And since when is it OK to slaughter thousands of innocent civilians in exchange for billions of dollars of hush money...

    How about answering your own question? You're the one who thinks neither is a war criminal.

    Also, as you recall, I defended Chomsky while you tore him a new one. I'm wondering what your fucking problem is.

  10. Well, say it then. "President Obama is a war criminal."

  11. You didn't answer my question, why should I answer yours?

  12. Assuming waterboarding is torture, and Karl Rover is a war criminal for some sort of involvment with it, the same thing is true, then of

    Nancy Pelosi.

    Yet you defend her to the death and expression great admiration for her because she has a (D) after her name.

    "Also, as you recall, I defended Chomsky while you tore him a new one. I'm wondering what your fucking problem is."

    Chomsky lied about the Killing Fields problem by giving a ridiculously low number of the death totals. He also said it was an acceptible price to pay due to all the good the Khmer Rouge were doing for Cambodia.


    Will said: "And don't forget Obama, wd. He greatly escalated one of these "illegal" wars"

    Glad you put "illegal" in quotes. To humor WD who uses that word for legal wars he happens to not like. You don't like them either, but unlike WD, you don't prove your ignorance of international law by using "illegal" with no meaning.


  13. OK, wd, I DON'T think that Mr. Obama is a war criminal. Now you.............dmarks, correct me if I'm wrong here, but I don't think that the Kosovo air campaign had a U.N. authorization, either (NATO yes, but Russia clearly would have vetoed it had it ever come up for a vote). That would kind of make President Clinton a war criminal, too, no (according to wd's "logic").

  14. dmarks: Assuming waterboarding is torture, and Karl Rover is a war criminal for some sort of involvment with it, the same thing is true, then of Nancy Pelosi.

    That's like saying "assuming the earth rotates around the sun". We don't need to do any "assuming", we know for a fact that waterboarding is torture. And Nancy Pelosi was not briefed on waterboarding.

    Former Senator (and former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee) Bob Graham Backs Pelosi On CIA Briefings. According to a 5/15/2009 NPR story, "Graham is known as a meticulous note-taker and has maintained a daily log that fills hundreds of spiral notebooks... [Graham says he] called the CIA and asked for the dates in which [he] had been briefed... and they gave [him] four: two in April of '02, two in September. [However when Graham] consulted his logs [he found] that on three of the four dates there was no briefing held".

    Officials within the CIA lied to cover their asses. Jose Rodriguez (the war criminal mentioned in the article you linked to) is lying.

    And Noam Chomsky did not do the things you're accusing him of. Those are lies as well.

    Regarding Bill Clinton, it was Slobodan Milosevic who was charged with war crimes. Bill Clinton had a statue erected in his honor in the capital of Kosovo and is celebrated as a hero.

    FYI we didn't invade Kosovo with ground troops or overthrow their government and install a new one. And, as you point out, Clinton worked with NATO. Clinton made the right call. bush is a war criminal.

    Will: I DON'T think that Mr. Obama is a war criminal.

    Then you DO think it's OK to slaughter thousands of innocent civilians in exchange for billions of dollars of hush money?! I thought you were implying that you didn't think it was OK.

  15. I was obviously being devil's advocate, wd.............As for the specifics of this case, yes, I spoke out in 2008 AGAINST then candidate Obama's proposal's regarding Pakistan. But I do give him credit for killing a boatload of terrorists and for giving the orders to take out Osama bin Laden. It doesn't rise to the level of war criminality in my mind.

  16. And, no, I don't think that Clinton is a war criminal, either. I only pointed him out in that a lot of people site the lack of a U.N. resolution regarding Bush and Iraq, and that there wasn't a U.N. resolution to bomb Kosovo back into the stone ages, either (and, no, NATO isn't the same thing as the U.N.).

  17. Will: It doesn't rise to the level of war criminality in my mind.

    If the US president does it, it isn't a war crime?

  18. No, I just think that a Russian or Chinese veto of an American action is sufficient to label anything a war crime (though, yes, I do think that the legality of the Iraq War can in fact be questioned).


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