Monday, April 23, 2012

In the Interesting/Did You Know? Category 2

 That Arabs have enslaved more black Africans over the centuries than Europeans/European-Americas have (14 million to 12 million)?............Sources; "The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census" Philip D. Curtin 1997, "The Slave Trade: The Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade" Hugh Thomas 1999, 2 others available upon request.


  1. So what? Is that a justification? Are you trying to make it seem not so bad? What the hell. Everyone is doing it? Come on, Will!

  2. Uh, no, Jerry. I'm just looking for a more complete and balanced view of history. Everybody's toes need to be stepped on, not just us Whiteys.

  3. Did I ever claim to be White? Just wondering.

  4. Jerry Critter: Are you trying to make it seem not so bad?

    That was what I was thinking. Will is upset about Whitey getting more than his fair share of the blame.

    He likes to look out for the underdog. Like when he worries about the wealthy carrying too much of the tax burden.

  5. I just want the entirety of the facts out there, wd. Is that too much to ask?............And, yeah, I'm so concerned about the rich people's burden that I've consistently advocated that their taxes go up demonstrably (no, not as demonstrably you but you're a frigging nut!). Way to be accurate, wd.

  6. Will is correct in wanting and expecting all the facts available to be presented. But of course those with agenda's, no matter what they might be, will criicize of facts they don't like.

    Personally I think humans are descendents of a very paranoid and anal race of aliens from thousands of light years away! ;)

  7. Quite frankly, RN, your idea is not any more far fetched that humans being created by some forever-existing all-powerful being through a virgin (artificial insemination?) birth.

  8. A prior commenter: He likes to look out for the underdog. Like when he worries about the wealthy carrying too much of the tax burden.

    I agree. It's like when dmarks worries about racism, but it's racism against Whites that most concerns him.

  9. wd, you don't think that a black person is capable of bigotry? Dude, have you ever heard Farrakhan and his disciples speak?

  10. WD said:

    "I agree. It's like when dmarks worries about racism, but it's racism against Whites that most concerns him."

    Actually all racism "worries" me. Every single instance of it.

    The problem here is that you believe it is OK sometimes to punish people for having the wrong skin color (something that makes you by definition a racist, btw).

    The fact that whites are sometimes victims of this "bothers" me no more or no less than the times Blacks, Jews, Asians, Native Americans, etc are victims of racism.

    There is no evidence of what you claim. It sound good to you, so you say it regardless of how foolish it makes you look.


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