Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fox Vs. MSNBC - The Prime-Time Reasonableness Edition

1) 5PM - Chris Matthews versus "The Five". This is about a tie, folks (and, no, not in a good way, either). You've basically got one partisan ramrod (who's occasionally reasonable), Matthews, versus a conservative cabal and one token liberal (the oft-times all too agreeable, Bob Beckel).............2) 6PM - The Reverend Al Sharpton versus "Special Report with Bret Baier". The advantage here goes to Fox. While, yes, Mr. Baier probably does tilt to the right (though, no, you'd never know it with certitude based upon his recent dressing down of Romney), he's certainly more palatable than the camera hugging and divisive Mr. Sharpton. That, and Mr. Baier does in fact feature SOME liberal commentators.............3) 7PM - Matthews again versus Shepard Smith. This is a solid victory for Fox. Mr. Smith is SUCH a fair-minded fellow that even the rabid left-winging "Rolling Stone" spared him.............4) 8PM - Ed Schultz versus "The O'Reilly Factor". I'd have to give the slight edge here to Fox again. I mean, yeah, O'Reilly continues to be obnoxious and biased to the right and all but at least he's occasionally tolerable. Schultz, I literally have to force myself to watch him.............5) 9PM - Rachel Maddow versus Sean Hannity. Honestly, folks, while I can't really stand either one of them, I'd probably have to give the slight edge here to MSNBC. a) Maddow is smarter and b) her snarkiness is at least somewhat more palatable Mr. Hannity's much more brazen nastiness.............6) 10PM - Lawrence O'Donnell versus Greta Van Susteren. This is a hard one, people. While Ms. Van Susteren is probably a little less partisan, this O'Donnell guy does have a certain level of charisma that, even if you don't necessarily agree with him all the time, it does make for some interesting viewing (and, yeah, I probably WOULD have a beer with him). Oh, what the hell, advantage here, MSNBC.............Final score Fox 3 MSNBC 2 1 round even. Fox wins. Ha ha ha ha ha.


  1. Wow. You have a stronger constitution than I do. How many hours did you spend watching both sides for this?

    I have such a disdain for both gaggles of geese that I can't watch either of the opinion propagandist sides (Schultz, Hannity, etc) for more than a few minutes without drifting off to see what the latest shark thing or ice trucker mishap is going on on another channel.

  2. Actually I rarely use the word, because most of the time anyone uses it it is as a mere pejorative for something someone didn't want to hear or read.

  3. In your (incorrect) opinion. I use to when taking about Nooz sources that try to dupe people with lies.

  4. Except for those "Nooz sources that try to dupe people with lies" that happen to be on your side. Then you get quite disingenuous and hypocritical.

  5. dmarks: Except for those "Nooz sources that try to dupe people with lies" that happen to be on your side. Then you get quite disingenuous and hypocritical.

    There are no Nooz sources that are "on my side", therefore what you suggest is impossible.

  6. Everyone reading this knows you have "on your side" Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, and others.

    Your last comment is such a huge whopper that everyone reading this knows you are completely off.

  7. "In your (incorrect) opinion"

    And no, my opinion was quite correct and informed. In numerous comments, you defend those on your side who lie on news channels, while lighting into those who are no more liars than your heroes, but they happen to have an ideology you dislike.

  8. dmarks: Your last comment is such a huge whopper that everyone reading this knows you are completely off.

    Actually, it was so truthful that any honest and reasonable person reading your response to my truthfulness would be incredibly shocked that you'd attempt so huge a whopper of your own.

    Fox is NOT "on my side". It's a Conservative propaganda channel. I'm a Liberal.

    dmarks: In numerous comments, you defend those on your side who lie on news channels, while lighting into those who are no more liars than your heroes, but they happen to have an ideology you dislike.

    dmarks redefining "numerous" to mean zero? If not what he says is completely false.

  9. And, I don't know why Will is laughing, unless he's laughing at himself for coming to such an inane conclusion. Sure, Fox Nooz is more reasonable. I don't believe I quite buy it.

  10. "dmarks redefining "numerous" to mean zero? If not what he says is completely false."

    Will, any rough idea on how many comments WD has made in defense of the MSNBC prop...cough... opinion journalists such as Maddow and Schultz and Olbermann (back when he was somebody on MSNBC)? Especially when it is pointed out when they say something misleading or false?

    Roughly... is it close to zero, or closer to scores? hundreds?

  11. dmarks, your talking about me defending MSNBC when Will CLAIMS someone on that network has said something misleading or false. I HAVE done that.

    But that is NOT what you claimed I did.

    You said I "defend those on your side who lie... while lighting into those who are no more liars than your heroes, but... happen to have an ideology you dislike".

    That has never happened. I've done that exactly zero times.

  12. Let's wait and see what less-biased observers say.

  13. dmarks: Let's wait and see what less-biased observers say.

    These "less-biased observers" you speak of... they've never been here before... what makes you think they're going to show up now?

  14. I think that any sane, independent person who watches both Ed Schultz's show and then Bret Baier's show would easily conclude that the latter's show is fairer, by far. You gotta give both sides, wd. You gotta, and then let the viewers decide

  15. And I was laughing because you gotta be pretty bad to lose to Fox.

  16. Will: And I was laughing because you gotta be pretty bad to lose to Fox.

    Looked to me like you were giving your opinion. I didn't realize you were an official judge on matters like these. Do you have an official title?

    I'm going to make the following guess: "The Fairness in Media Judging Czar".

    Am I close?

  17. ""The Fairness in Media Judging Czar".

    He already does a much better job than so-called watchdogs like FAIR and AIM.

  18. Not bad, wd. Maybe President Obama will appoint me someday.............What can I say, dmarks, most of these Media critics like Brent Bozell's and Media Matters are little more than extensions of their respective wings of the political spectrum. That's why I really like Howie Kurtz and David Zurawick. Those 2 call fellows it pretty much down the middle.

  19. You know, I think we all have our own definition of the "middle". The "middle" is where I stand. The left is more liberal,than I am, and the right is more conservative.

  20. Wow, Jerry, that would make even wd a centrist.


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