Saturday, April 14, 2012

Blue-Laced Agate, Botswana Agate, Yellow Jasper, Black Jade, and Snowflake Obsidian

What would be my answer to the question, "So what are your top 5 all-time favorite semi-precious stones?"


  1. Semi-precious Stones? My favorite is Keith Richards, net worth $280 million

    And he is only slightly less fossilized than the other examples.

  2. I like most stones that sparkle..
    what makes them precious vs semi-
    precious confuses even the experts.
    "The American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) has already added the following language to their Code of Ethics: "Members should avoid the use of the term 'semi-precious' in describing gemstones." Along those lines, the
    addition of 'semi' can be confusing. Worked with a German
    engineer back in the day. Our language was confusing to him to the point that he thought a semi-
    colon meant half-assed...

  3. I have no idea what keeps that fellow upright, dmarks. I really don't. He'll probably outlive the cockroaches.............How 'bout this, BB Idaho? I will refer to these stones as the opaque stones, the more valuable ones like emeralds, sapphires, garnets, aquamarines, tanzanites, tourmalines, etc. being far more transluscent.

  4. Will: It happened sometime during the early 1990s, or even late 1987s, when the substances in his bloodstream reached a certain level and he transformed from being a carbon-based life form to a cocaine-based one.

  5. I knew that there had to be some scientific explanation.

  6. There is no such thing as a "cocaine based life form". You're just making stuff up dmarks. I call you on your nonsense.

  7. Alright, you win. Some more red meat to chew on.

  8. Opal's an interesting stone. It's opaque like the others that I've mentioned, but it's also kind of pricey like the translucent ones. Hm.

  9. dmarks: Alright, you win. Some more red meat to chew on.

    That is how easily you should give up regarding a number of other issues you are equally wrong on (Al Gore saying he invented the internet, or Toure being racist... to give but two examples).

    Then I might develop some respect for you. It takes courage to admit you're wrong... especially after continually and forcefully arguing the idiotically and obviously incorrect position for so long.

  10. As opposed to you, who is soooooooooo quick to concede. LOL

  11. WD said: "(Al Gore saying he invented the internet, or Toure being racist... to give but two examples)."

    I am not a liar and know what happened, so I cannot concede:

    1) Al Gore did not use the word invent, but he did use the word create, and said that he created the Internet. Yes are no: are you aware of the existence of synonyms? And if you are, how can you argue that invent does not mean create? Face it: Gore claimed to have invented it (correct paraphrase), which is untrue since he never did.

    2) On Toure's racist rant in which he bashed Herman Cain for being black, you have always and consistently avoided the issue of his actual racist statement, by instead focusing on his skin color. Giving Toure different abilities of being racist or not, on your part, actually meets the definition of racism. As it is racial discrimination. Aside from that, it is a diversionary tactic, and is dishonest and disingenuous.

    I will admit that I am wrong, of course. But on these two and other issues, you have no idea what you are talking about, and for me to "admit" that I am wrong would require me to either lie or forget the facts.


    Given two examples? You haven't even given one.

  12. [1] You're ignoring what Al Gore was obviously talking about. Snopes acknowledged it and their judgment was that what you're claiming is false.

    [2] My argument was neither diversionary, dishonest or disingenuous. The "diversionary" question I raised is what YOU'RE avoiding. Because it crushes your argument and exposes it for the complete nonsense that it is.

    Will: As opposed to you, who is soooooooooo quick to concede. LOL

    On these two and other issues, dmarks has no idea what he's talking about, and for me to "admit" I'm wrong would require me to either lie or forget the facts.

  13. I'm not invested in either of these 2 topics, wd (though I would say at the very least Mr. Gore bullshitted). I was referring to some other situations.

  14. Will: I would say at the very least Mr. Gore bullshitted...

    He did not. And here is the proof that he told the truth.

    I've provided this link before, btw.

  15. I think that the word, "created", is a bit of an embellishment.

  16. WD: That is no proof. Gore did helped grow the Internet after others created. But due to the fact that the Internet existed, and existed under the name "Internet", there's no way in hell that Gore's claim is true.

    To fact-check this, look at Internet history, including when the name "Internet" was first used. Then check to see when Gore was elected to Congress.... much later.

    "You're ignoring what Al Gore was obviously talking about"

    No, I am addressing what he actually said, and it was clear what he was talking about. Your defense of Gore based on what you wish he said instead of what he said is deceptive and in itself dishonest.

    Face it. He said he invented* the Internet, and he in fact didn't.

    (* check the synonym list for this word..

  17. Yeah, I was just going to say that I wasn't trying to diminish Mr. Gore's contribution to this or anything else that he may have worked on. Just that there were A LOT of individuals to thank for this and that there isn't any I in team.

  18. dmarks: Your defense of Gore based on what you wish he said instead of what he said is deceptive and in itself dishonest.

    So then Snopes is being "dishonest" as well?

    Give me an effing break! This has nothing to do with what I "wished" Gore said, it has to do with what he meant. And he was talking about the legislation he sponsored. See the page I linked to.

    For you to keep hammering him on this (when Snopes DEBUNKED what you're saying) is what is dishonest.

    dmarks: check the synonym list for this word [create]

    Snopes: the words "create" and "invent" have distinctly different meanings; the former is used in the sense of "to bring about" or "to bring into existence" while the latter is generally used to signify the first instance of someone's thinking up or implementing an idea.

  19. Wikipedia: Perhaps one of th most important results of the Gore Bill was the development of Mosaic in 1993. This World Wide Web browser is credited by most scholars as beginning the Internet boom of the 1990s...

    Gore's legislation also helped fund the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois, where a team of programmers, including Netscape founder Marc Andreessen, created the Mosaic Web browser, the commercial Internet's technological springboard. "If it had been left to private industry, it wouldn't have happened", Andreessen says of Gore's bill, "at least, not until years later". [end Wikipedia excerpt]

    Snopes: In May 2005, the organizers of the Webby Awards for online achievements honored Al Gore with a lifetime achievement award for three decades of contributions to the Internet. "He is indeed due some thanks and consideration for his early contributions," said Vint Cerf. [end Snopes excerpt]

    dmarks' criticism is based on what he wished Al Gore said (dmarks wished he has said "invent" instead of "create"), and it is both deceptive and dishonest.

  20. George W. bush: "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we".

    There you have it, GWb ADMITS that his administration never stopped thinking of ways to HURT the United States!

    Why wasn't bush impeached after making this SHOCKING admission?!

  21. That just sounds like another example of Mr. Bush mangling the English language to me.

  22. Will: Yes. It is a stupid gaffe.

    If WD would have us believe Bush intended to say this, then it must logically follow that Obama really believes there are 58 states in the US.

  23. WD: Your quotes are changing the subject.

    Gore claimed to have invented the Internet. He was lying, as he did not create it.

    ALL of the quotations have to do with improvements to the Internet that Gore was involved with funding.

    None of them provide any support in the least to the bogus idea that Gore created the Internet.

    You are being deceptive and disingenuous. A perfect example of your dishonesty is your attempt to tie Gore with the creation of the web browser. Which he did not create, and has nothing to do with the creation of the Internet.

    And your third paragraph, why did you even put it in? It doesn't credit Gore with inventing it at all.

    You said:

    "Snopes: the words "create" and "invent" have distinctly different meanings; the former is used in the sense of "to bring about" or "to bring into existence" while the latter is generally used to signify the first instance of someone's thinking up or implementing an idea."

    Snopes is incorrect:

    1) Any thesaurus disagrees with Snopes' erroneous claim. I take real word authorities over them any way.

    2) In any case, Gore did not bring the Internet into being. So even according to Snopes, he did not create it. Others did this before Gore was on the scene.

    Get real: Gore said he created the Internet but he never actually created it. No amount of you ignoring the real meanings of words, or diverting us by showing what Gore really did will change the facts.

  24. dmarks: Your quotes are changing the subject.

    My quotes are not changing the subject. The quote, and your reaction to it PROVE what a liar you are.

    YES, in regards to the bush quote: what he said was not what he meant.

    Same with the Gore quote: It sounds like he's taking credit for "inventing" the internet. What he was really referring to was the legislation he sponsored.

    bush you give a pass to and acknowledge what he really meant.

    Gore you lie about and IGNORE what he really meant.

    You do this because you're a liar. And you're clearly lying for partisan reasons.

    You defend bush and go with what you wish he had said because you like him.

    You attack Gore and ignore what he really meant because you dislike him.

    It's that simple. But, now that we all know the truth will that stop dmarks from lying about Al Gore? Hell NO! He'll never stop.


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