Friday, March 2, 2012

Stars Not Applicable

I haven't read Bill O'Reilly's new book, "Killing Lincoln", and I probably never will (nothing against Mr. O'Reilly but, if I want to read an historical book, I'd probably want to read one by an, you know, ACTUAL historian; David McCullough, Douglas Brinkley, etc.). But you know what else that I'm probably not going to do? I'm probably not going to waste valuable moments of my life writing a negative review of it on Amazon just because I happen to think that Mr. O'Reilly is a dick. Nope, folks, THAT I'm going to save for the multi-handled stooges and miscreants of the world. I mean, it is in fact their frigging freak-show/domain, correct?


  1. I heard it was historically inaccurate. You don't believe it deserves a negative review for that reason? You think the only reason someone would negatively review it is because they're a "stooge" or a "miscreant"?

  2. My point was that you shouldn't write a review of a book that you haven't actually read. If you have read it and had some issues with it, yes, by all means, critique it.

  3. I read Killing Lincoln...thought it was pretty good.O'Riellys co-author is a historian.The book was a gigantic best seller.

    This fall he has Killing Kennedy coming out.

  4. Rusty: I read Killing Lincoln... thought it was pretty good.

    For a work of fiction? But the authors (O'Reilly and the "historian") aren't presenting it as a work of fiction. According to them it's nonfiction. When a "nonfiction" book is as historiaclly inaccurate as this one, I don't know how anyone could say it was at all "good".

    So what if it sold a lot of copies? That just proves there are a lot of dumb people out there willing to believe something just because it comes from a television personality they like (because he represents their partisan point of view). His co-author should be embarrassed to call himself a historian.

    BTW Will, people on both sides of the aisle review political books on Amazon that they haven't read.

  5. And both sides of the aisle need to be a lot more careful.

  6. Damn WD,O'Reilly is another person gaming the system to become a very rich man.

    Is'nt there something you can think of so you could join the club.I dont think its going to happen peddling movie score CD's.

  7. Rusty: O'Reilly is another person gaming the system to become a very rich man.

    Probably, although this isn't an example of that. What it is an example of is a "celebrity" using his fame to sell a book that would otherwise have been turned down and never published. There already are a LOT of Lincoln books. The last thing the world needs is a historically inaccurate one.

  8. Paul Krugman could stand to take a history course, too. The dude idiotically compared Herbert Hoover to Speaker Boehner recently. I mean, duh!!!


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