Saturday, March 3, 2012

Shecky Gingrich

I couldn't believe it, folks. I actually saw Newt Gingrich engaging in some levity. I don't know, I guess that he was speaking to his minions after one of the primaries (AKA, crushing defeats) or something and, I swear to God, the dude was flat-out hilarious. He was especially hilarious when he started doing shtick on Mitt Romney's "the trees are just the right height" comment pertaining to Michigan. I'm telling you here, people, I was all but muttering audibly in response, "Where, pray tell, did this fellow come from?"............Time for a Letterman "Top Ten List" appearance perhaps.


  1. No doubt he is hilarious when preaching to the choir. Unfortunately I missed the moment...

  2. I always thought that Bob Dole was a fairly affable fellow, until HE ran for President. Must be something about the pressure of running or something.


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