Monday, March 12, 2012

On David Corn and Mary Matalin

Well, there's always ventriloquism/"Clutch Cargo - The Movie".


  1. They don't move their mouths much when they talk.

  2. Corn's the guy who lost his lips in some sort of horrible accident.

  3. Do you have any details regarding David Corn's "horrible accident" Rusty? If you have a link to a story that describes what happened I'd be interested. I think you're making it up.

    In regards to Will's post, I still say: ???????????

  4. Clutch Cargo was a very primitive cartoon from the 60s in which the characters didn't really move their mouths all that much. Corn and Matalin don't really move their mouths all that much, either. Ergo, perfect casting for the non-upcoming movie.

  5. Will: Corn and Matalin don't really move their mouths all that much, either.

    David Corn is the only one I can recall seeing on TV (what program is Matalin on?) and not moving his mouth all that much isn't a thought that ever entered my head.

    Did Matalin also lose her lips in a horrible accident? I used google image search to pull up some pictures of her, and her upper lip looks a little slight... so maybe Rusty or you might say the same ridiculous thing about her?

  6. "Clutch Cargo was a very primitive cartoon..."

    Much like Matalin's husband.

  7. I actually kind of get a kick out of the Ragin' Cajun. He is quite the character, wouldn't you agree, dmarks/wd?


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