Saturday, March 3, 2012

Note to Radical Islamists

You don't kill people....for burning a book. OK? YOU JUST DON'T DO IT. Yes, burning a holy book is an extremely disrespectful thing, and the people who do it should be criticized. But you DON'T KILL THEM. And you especially don't kill a bunch of innocent people who had absolutely nothing to do with the original action. I mean, yes, I understand the fact that mobs/anomie can sometimes make people do things that they normally wouldn't do on their own. But, come on, some of you frigging assholes are college educated and could possibly talk some reason to these people (running around acting like stark-raving lunatics). That, and you eventually DO want to join modernity, no? NO?


  1. You eventually DO want to join modernity, no?

    That's the question I'd ask of anyone supporting religious organizations when they say they'll provide health care to women... just not birth control... because they "morally object" to it.

  2. What a ridiculous analogy, comparing the Catholic doctrine on contraception to murdering people for burning a book. And you wonder why people think that you're a nut-job.

  3. I didn't make that analogy. But it's my understanding that, "the Bible nowhere forbids birth control, either explicitly or implicitly, and we should not add universal rules that are not in Scripture". The Catholic Church should be in favor of contraception, as it reduces abortion.

    This, IMO, is just a way to keep women in their place. This is something the Taliban and the Catholic Church have in common.


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