Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Five Wives

Courteney Cox, Felicity Huffman, Patricia Clarkson, Patty Griffin, and Krsitin Scott Thomas - girls, girls, HELLO!


  1. Does this mean that you will indeed be voting for the Mormon this November? So then you can possibly have all of them if the marriage laws change.

  2. Some polygamists are luckier than others...

  3. I haven't thought of that angle, dmarks. Yes, perhaps I should reconsider.......What can I say BB Idaho, as a middle-aged man I have excellent taste in, shall we say, the more mature women.

  4. That's why it's my list, wd, and not yours (which I'll bet probably has Rosie ODonnell, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi, Rachel Maddow, and Maxine Waters).

  5. Courtney can put her shoes under my bed anytime.

  6. Maybe I'm wrong, but for some reason my impression is that "Rational" is married. Wouldn't his wife object? If not her, I'm sure Courtney Cox would.

    Me, I'm unattached, and would have no problem hooking up with a slightly older woman.

  7. Sorry, gentlemen, but MY wives, all of them, are currently unavailable.

  8. wd - A blockhead as usual.

    I picked up that phrase from a high school girlfriend's mother who was happily married.

    I've used in front of my wife many times. Unlike you see understood fully the intention of the remark.

    As to Courtney's thoughts on the matter? I guess you'll never know.


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