Thursday, March 29, 2012

John Hadl to Lance Alworth (Chargers, 1960s)

What would be my answer to the question, "So, what's your all-time favorite quarterback to wide-receiver combo?".....................................................................................................P.S. For those of you who aren't aware, John Hadl was also a magnificent college football player. The dude was a 2-time all-American at the University of Kansas and, get this, he was actually a 3-way player! Yeah, that's right, the fellow played offense (quarterback and halfback), defense (safety), AND special teams (punter AND punt returner!)!! Talk about some serious earning of your letter/college scholarship.


  1. This is how many comments you'd get if you switched to blogging only about sports... next to none.

  2. Seriously, though, I thought that I would at least get the Truthster on board. Maybe he's just too young to remember "John Hadl to Lance Alworth".


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