Friday, February 3, 2012

"Zany", Indeed

Mr.s Gingrich and Romney have both put forth a fair number of gaffes. Which of the two has made more of them, I couldn't say (that, and they've both done a lot of flip-flopping, too). What I could say, however, is that Mr. Romney seems to be the far more stable of the two. Like in terms of foreign policy, for instance - yes, Mr. Romney HAS been popping off a little. But in terms of his ultimate action, I really think that he would be far more deliberate and measured. I mean, I obviously could be wrong here and all, but, still, there's just something about this Gingrich fellow - something, yes, that frightens me.


  1. Gingrich, as well as being dangerous is lacking in honesty, integrity, credibility, and were he in charge every American would need to fear for loss of liberty. I don't refer to him as professor facist because it sounds cute.

  2. I don't care for Gingrich....but
    when Ann Coulter agrees with me, he
    has character flaws that cut from
    right to left...

  3. And the sad thing, gentlemen, is that the fellow actually IS capable of reason and reflection. I mean, I've seen him on Erin Burnett's show a few times and he basically sounds normal on it. He just can't sustain it.


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