Sunday, February 12, 2012

Top 5 All-Time Greatest Spice Combos (IMHO)

5) Coriander and cardamom (allspice, an alternative).............4) Garlic and turmeric.............3) Cinnamon and star anise.............2) Fenugreek and dill weed.............1) Ginger and cilantro.


  1. Do you think Roland Martin would be of the opinion that a dude blogging about spice combinations needed to have the "ish" knocked out of him?

  2. He's a (liberal, African-American) homophobe, so probably.

  3. Thank you for not naming "Sporty, Posh, Ginger, Baby, and Scary" as a great spice combo.

    But I will name "melange, and the Guild Steersmen" as a great spice combo. They make galactic travel possible.


    Will: Do you think Roland would have voted for Prop 8 in California?

  4. Oh, so it's BECAUSE he's Liberal and African American that he's also a homophobe... is THAT what you're saying? (and it's not just his own personal problem?). I think that's quite insulting to Liberal African Americans who've never said anything homophobic.

    I know that as a Liberal white guy I'm insulted.

  5. WD: Fair enough; I should not have generalized and linked Roland to them, merely by his skin color and leftist views.

  6. You're crazy, wd. Nowhere did I infer causality. Just pointing out that not all of the bigots are white and on the right (not by a longshot according to the Prop 8 results).............dmarks, I think that Mr. Martin would have SAID that he voted against it, but more than likely would have voted for it.


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