Wednesday, February 8, 2012

On Why Electric Cars Might Not be the Panacea that Bureaucrats and Well-Connected Crony Capitalists Constantly Make Them Out to Be

1) The fact that a large percentage of the electricity will probably come from coal-fired power-plants (one of the dirtiest forms of energy).............2) Nearly half of the world's known lithium reserves resides in one country, Bolivia. Their President has said that, while he would be willing to sell the lithium, the Bolivian government in fact would a) continue to legally "own" it, b) seize 60% of the earnings before the lithium has even left the country, and c) insist that the batteries and cars be made only in Bolivia.............3) The fact that they'd be a major inconvenience for people who don't a garage.............4) The fact that they would drive up the price of electricity and drive down the cost of gasoline and thereby negatively impact upon the poor and elderly.............5) The fact that they will drive up the price of lithium and therefore the price of other products; lap-top computers, cell-phones, glass, ceramics, and concrete.............6) The potential damage caused by the mining of lithium to an environmentally sensitive area; Bolivia's Unuyi salt-flats.............7) The fact that the American people apparently don't care for them.............8) Two words; crony capitalism (the constant push by big businesses for more and more subsidies)...........................................................................................P.S. This, of course, isn't to say that electric cars don't have a potential future. Maybe they do. But the fact that the government is continuing to play the role of kingmaker here, without as much as even a nod to the unintended consequences of their actions, is, at the very least, troubling. I mean, seriously here, how many more things do they have to get wrong?


  1. Journal of Industrial Ecology Report: Global lithium deposits enough to meet electric car demands. [excerpt] "Lithium resources are sufficient to support demand until at least the end of the century. ... The report points out that most hybrid electric vehicles currently use nickel-metal hydride batteries. And while lithium use is on the rise, other technologies are also in the works". 7/28/2011

    Will: The fact that the American people apparently don't care for them...

    Popular Mechanics Article: Are Americans Buying the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt? [excerpt] "Skeptics will quote [sales figures] to contend that there is little US demand for EVs. But not so fast—you have to look beyond sales numbers to understand the big picture. Because both EVs have ramped up production at an excruciatingly slow pace, supply has not yet met demand". 7/20/2011

    Will: The potential damage caused by the mining of lithium to an environmentally sensitive area...

    What about environmental damage caused by oil spills? i.e. the BP spill in the gulf of Mexico and the spills that will certainly come if the XP pipeline is constructed?

    Will: the very least, troubling... how many more things do they have to get wrong?

    How many more things do they have to get wrong? As many as it takes to advance the technology. There will always be missteps when advancing a new technology. This is an advantage of doing it via our government. The private sector is too slow/cautious.

    IMO there is definitely a role for the government to play in advancing green technology... and it's my hope they do MORE, not less.

  2. .

    "I mean, seriously here, how many more things do they have to get wrong?"

    Yea like they got it all wrong when USA developed the federal highway system, the federal electrification of the nation, USA military, and other infrastructure development.

    Ya gomment can't do anything right. Is this your point?

    Really, youse guys are getting it all wrong. But hey, keep running your yaps.

    Ema Nymton

  3. Nearly half of the world's lithium supplies are in Bolivia and under the auspices of a socialist regime that seemingly wants to put serious restrictions on its sale.......Yes, wd, there are environmental issues with both electric and gas vehicles. That's the point.......I wouldn't drive a Chevy Volt if you gave it to me. Advance that technology, pal.

  4. .

    "..I wouldn't drive a Chevy Volt if you gave it to me."

    Yes you would. Just the savings on gas would convince you to take it as a gift.

    BTW - do your self a favor. Stop listening to Trash Limbaughski (He is a liar.).

    Ema Nymton

  5. Yes, Ema, there are certainly things that only the government can do. But does that mean that they always do them efficiently? Of course it doesn't!! I mean, now many bridges to nowhere and West Virginia boondoggles did we also have to pay for before we ultimately got a decent product, how many zillion dollar toilet seats did we frigging have to pay for, how many billions in Medicare fraud, etc., etc.? And I'm not one of youse guys. I speak for myself.

  6. I don't listen to Limbaugh. I can't stand the son of a bitch. And I drive a Nissan Sentra that gets 35 miles per gallon on the highway thank you.

  7. According to Automotive News, GM tried to allocate 104 Chevy Volt units to 14 dealers last December and were only able to unload 31. The frigging dealers don't even want them on the lot! I mean, I know that you probably don't pay taxes, wd, but I do and I'm totally sick of these government boondoggles.

  8. "IMO there is definitely a role for the government to play in advancing green technology... and it's my hope they do MORE, not less."

    Yeah. It'd sure be great if they did a lot more and poured trillions into greenscam outfits like Solyndra, right?

    Will said: "I don't listen to Limbaugh."

    Perhaps Ema was buying into the notion that anyone who isn't on the hard left fringe must be a Dittohead.

  9. I'm opposed to our government spending any dollars on "greenscams". But they haven't spent even $1 on a "greenscam outfit" as far as I know, let alone trillions.

    I don't know how dmarks can make such assertions, as he obviously doesn't know the first thing about Solyndra. Next time I suggest doing a little research before throwing around such wildly ridiculous charges.

  10. "As many as it takes to advance the technology"? That's all fine and good, wd, but what if the technology ultimately turns out to be B.S., like ethanol. We've been putting billions into that frigging boondoggle (rubber stamped by both parties, unfortunately) and many people now think that it's worse than gasoline. I think that the really best experiments come from the private sector (though, no, I'm not opposed to more R&D funding as long as the government dictate how it's spent), myself.

  11. USA Today article: Brazil hopes to build on its ethanol success. [excerpt] "This year (2006), Brazil will achieve energy independence — a goal the United States has been chasing without success since the energy crises of the 1970s".

    Here in the United States most cars on the road can run on blends of up to 10% ethanol...

    I admit I'm not extremely well informed on the topic, but in all it seems like there has been some success in this area. Why don't you tell me what I'm missing Will?

  12. .

    "Why don't you tell me what I'm missing Will?"

    Perhaps you are missing just how much Will _HATES_ USA. _NOTHING_ will make Will stop his hatred for Mr Obama, USA, and the people.

    Ema Nymton

  13., and the fact that it's been draining the treasury for years. AND Santorum and Gingrich have both been hocking it.............Ema, please, I don't hate Obama at all. I voted for him and probably will again. I just don't think that we should set aside our responsible citizenry for anybody.


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