Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On Tonight's Michigan Primary

Can you say yet ANOTHER fourth place finish for the Newtster? I know that you can.


  1. I guess he won't be stepping on any churches in our town after all.

  2. Damn it! I wanted Newt to win the primary and lose the election.

  3. I was rooting for Santorum (or "Taliban San" as I like to call him). I heard Democrats came out to vote for him. How could Romney win when he opposed the loans to the auto manufacturers? The anti-Romney Republicans must have stayed home. He should have been trounced.

  4. "Taliban San," did you think of that by yourself? Maybe while listening to an obscure movie score or perhaps you got it from ThinkProgress.

  5. Rick Santorum is running for President. wd is still looking for his first $10 an hour job and pleasures himself by making ludicrous analogies.

  6. It could have been the 51st state, according to Newt.

  7. On Moderate Elitists...

    [1] They pleasure themselves by fantasizing about how they're better then you. Usually this involves how much the person they are better then earns... often they will assert (with zero facts to back them up) that the object of their scorn is a low wage earner or unemployable.

    [2] They're HUHGE hypocrites. Judging people is their second favorite pastime (behind pontificating on how they're better then most people), but they won't tolerate it if someone they think they are better then does it.

  8. Even your comebacks are derivative. I'm basing my comment on what you said over at Truth's blog about how you wished that you had a $10 an hour job. And your idiotic analogies (possibly get to get attention) most obviously speak for themselves.

  9. So you're admitting you're a judgmental asshole who bases the value of a person on how much they earn? Well, I've got to at least give you kudos for owning up to that.

    Anyway, the comment I made on Truth's blog was, "I wish I still had my $10 an hour job" (I lost my job due to the bush recession). I didn't say I'd never had one. Dick. In any case, that comment was ill advised. I usually avoid revealing personal information. I'm definitely not going to say how much I'm making now. Jerk.

  10. Not a single person who I know or who I work with thinks that I'm an elitist. Nada. The families like me. The residents like me. My co-workers like me. And the CNAs particularly like me because I'm not afraid to get into the trenches with them and bust my ass. The Alzheimer's Association apparently likes me, too, wd. This, in that I was honored in 2008 as one of the finest care-givers in CT.......Nope, I only act this way when I deal with impudent little shits who think that they've already got it figured all out (simply because some idiot on the radio or cable TV has deemed it so) and who have a fortress full of sulfer for a shallow mind.......And, no, I don't base my feelings for a person on how much they make. I was initially going to major in accounting but decided that I liked working with vulnerable populations (you know, the people who you claim to care so much about but don't ever lift a finger yourself to help) better. I just brought up your situation to underscore what a sniveling, pathetic, little loser/ malcontent that you are.......Dude, I strongly suggest that you and your hyperbolic idiocy move along and do it as quickly as possible. Maybe Truth'll take you back and start lauding your obviously superior blog again. I just can't stomach you any more.

  11. And I don't read the comments of the numbers guy (wow, to have so much spare time on one's hands). I see them and delete them as readily as I blow my nose.

  12. OK, so you're not owning up to the truth about yourself. I take back the kudos I awarded you in my previous comment. Also, Truth has never asked me not to on comment on his blog.

  13. Instead of insulting me, you should have apologized. You remembered what I said on Truth's blog wrong. And you most certainly did judge me based on what you *thought* my income is. The story you told about how awesome everyone who knows you thinks you are doesn't change that fact.


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