Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The New Bart Conner of Politics

It's officially become excruciating for me to watch Mitt Romney. The shear volume of mental and verbal gymnastics that the fellow has to go through just to make himself seem palatable....TO HIS OWN FRIGGING PARTY is scary.........................................................................................One of the more recent examples of this is his "explanation" for his having voted for Paul Tsongas in 1992 (Republicans and Independents were able to vote in the Democratic primary). Instead of simply saying, "Yeah, I liked Paul Tsongas. He was a moderate Democrat who was pro-business and who also had some interesting ideas about reforming entitlements and defense spending", he put forth this cockamamie and absolutely ludicrous line about how he was only trying to stick it to Bill Clinton (at that point, still a relative newcomer). I mean, it was almost frigging laughable........................................................................................Of course, the entire situation has as well a rather sad component. And that's the fact that the Romney of 1994 and 2002 would more than likely be a reasonably decent general election candidate. Not only would the fellow get the rank-and-file Republican vote, he'd also quite possibly get a fair amount of Independents and Democrats. Granted, the religious-right and tea partiers would probably bolt but, still.....


  1. You don't think he will, but really wish he could beat Obama in the election, is that it? Me, I'm going to laugh when it comes time for him to give his concession speech.

  2. I, unlike you, wd, actually WANT a choice. You see, with me, the Democrats don't have a God-given right to my vote. Me -I want the best and the brightest from both parties running and debating at an exceedingly high level. And, yes, I fear that an Obama-Romney race will be nothing more than a bromide inspired frigging beauty contest/Karl Rover-David Axelrod proxy war.

  3. I want a choice. If I could vote IRV my second choice would be Obama. I'd never consider a Republican though.

  4. The Republican party might change, wd. You have to be open-minded. I mean, really, would you have voted for Lieberman over Lowell Weicker in 1988 in CT?

  5. If I had lived there and been the right age I probably would have.

    I'm hopeful the Democratic Party will change... by reversing their movement to the Right.

  6. If you had voted for Liebermann over Weicker, then you're nothing more than a partisan stooge. Weicker was a very liberal Republican who did more more to help special needs children than anybody else.......I'm hoping that both parties chanege, away from their crony capitalism and revolving door of lobbying and "serving".

  7. I certainly wouldn't want you to think I'm a partisan stooge. I'll change my imaginary vote to Weicker then. Wikipedia says he lost to Lieberman because Republicans voted for Lieberman (thinking Weicker was too Liberal).

    Damn Lieberman. Apparently he won by only 1 percent. Amazing, considering he ran on a platform that (in part) proposed cutting off all funding for programs designed to help special needs kids (if I interpret your comment correctly). I guess this guy was always a scumbag.

  8. Weicker was a pompous ass but he was also very compassionate. Maybe because he has a special needs child himself he took this issue especially to heart.

  9. Only a wing-nut would say "I would never consider a Republican" or "I would never consider a Democrat".

    Someone to blinded by partisanship.

    "I'm hopeful the Democratic Party will change... by reversing their movement to the Right."

    Don't worry, WD. The Democratic Party is still on the Left. Though sometimes they move closer to the center.

    Will said: "If you had voted for Liebermann over Weicker, then you're nothing more than a partisan stooge."

    I thought WD proved that with the statement I quoted at first.

    "Maybe because he has a special needs child himself he took this issue especially to heart."

    Which means President Obama can joke about him, and he falls into the class of people the White House called "fu**ing retards" earlier in the administration. And, according to Bill Maher, not even a human beng (and this can be disposed of like an unwanted animal).

  10. dmarks, Parties have things called platforms (this is something you might want to look into). I don't agree with the Republican platform. Therefore I wouldn't consider voting for a Republican. If that makes me a wingnut, so be it.

    President Obama never joked about mentally challenged people. He made an ill-considered joke and referenced the special olympics, but it wasn't his intention to denigrate menatally challenged persons. And he apologized.

    dmarks seems to think that President Obama is constantly hating on this group of people, and such statements are sanctioned by the administration... given his delusional conclusion that the *White House* called anyone "fu**ing retards".

    Bill Maher never said anything like what dmarks suggests. It's an utterly ridiculous assertion.

    Also, a child can be special needs and not mentally challenged, so I don't know why you're shoehorning your criticisms of people who use the "R" word into this discussion. You're that desperate to start an argument with me? I suggest getting a life.

  11. I don't know how familiar you are with northeaster politics, wd, but the Republicans can sometimes be more liberal that the Democrats. I already cited the Weicker-Lieberman race and there was also the MA governor race between William Weld and that John Silber idiot. I also encourage you to look up the McKinney Act. It was authored by a CT Republican named Stew McKinney who died several decades ago from AIDS. Very good man.

  12. And I think that Lincoln Chaffee is a good man, too (he's actually an Independent now).


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