Saturday, February 11, 2012

George Will on Medicare

"Paul Ryan isn't killing Medicare. Arithmetic is."


  1. That sounds like the argument the murderer didn't kill that man, the gun did.

  2. It sounds like those who tout science seem not to include simple math.

    Go figure...

  3. I'd say Paul Ryan is arithmetic-challenged. His plan does virtually nothing for the deficit, while the Peoples Budget eliminates the deficit in 10 years.

  4. the peoples budget?... Sound so Leninist/Stalinist. But there nothing like trying regurgitated failure s there?

  5. Very rational, RN, dissing it on the basis of its title. Not interested in getting rid of the deficit? After all, it is step one on the path to reducing the debt.

  6. It's Paul Ryan's arithmetic that kills Medicare. George Will's statement is complete bullpucky.

    The People's budget is the only serious budget... in regards to tackling the national debt while living up to our obligations.

    Well said Jerry.

  7. Jerry, the point that Mr. Will was making is that it's the demographic nightmare that's ultimately going to be doing in Medicare, the fact that the baby boomers are going to be retiring en masse and that there simply won't be enough workers to support them given the current momopolistic format.............As for the people's budget balancing the budget in 10 year, I don't trust budget projections 10 weeks into the future. I'm certainly not going to trust them 10 years into the future, especially the way that those people down there (from both parties) have a tendency to cook the books. Having said that, there are some things about that plan that I DO like; the fact that it raises revenues (taxes go up a little too much, in my opinion - the removal on the SS cap alone would be the largest tax increase in U.S. history) and the fact that it cuts defense spending (Ryan's plan treats defense as a sacred cow).

  8. Hey, wd, the top rate for the people's budget is only 49%, much closer to my top rate of 40% than it is to yours of 70%. Why aren't you lambasting them as pro-rich, miserly, and pro-corporate? Don't have the power of your convictions when it involves an entity on your side of the aisle?

  9. I'd say you are making an argument for extending Medicare to everyone.

  10. Honestly, if I had a choice between single payer and the hodge-podge that was intimately passed (replete with it's disincentives and waivers, etc.) by the Congress, I would probably take the single-payer. Thankfully, though, those aren't the only 2 options.

  11. The People's Budget a good starting place. If we can get the People's Budget passed then we can come back later and institute the "Reich Rule". Perhaps under president Grayson.


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