Thursday, January 26, 2012

Word Association, Cable News/Talk Radio Edition

1) Ed Schultz - unhinged.............2) Sean Hannity - idiotic (with apologies to disrespectful).............3) Rachel Maddow - snarky.............4) Rush Limbaugh - blowhard.............5) Keith Olbermann - creepy (with apologies to paranoiac).............5) Glenn Beck - conspiratorial (to the nines!).............6) Anderson Cooper - professional.............6) Bill O'Reilly - arrogant (though, no, not as pronounced as it was before).............7) Geraldo Rivera - gonzo!............8) Shepard Smith - fair.............9) Chris Matthews - volcanic (with apologies to smarmy).............10) Fox and Friends - mindless.............11) Joe Scarborough - mavericky.............12) Greta Van Susteren - irritating.............13) Nancy Grace - bobbynoxious.............14) Lawrence O'Donnell - tolerable.............15) Dr. Drew - surprising (this, in that I like him and didn't think that I would).............16) Michael Savage - carnivorous.............17) Mike Huckabee - Gomer (with apologies to Goober).............18) Laura Ingraham - screechy.............19) Randy Rhodes - disgusting (that drunken rampage directed at Hillary, for example).............20) Wolf Blitzer - competent.............Bonus) No, he's not in broadcasting anymore but (drum-roll, please) Alan Keyes - berserk (with apologies to ranting, raving, and frothing).


  1. "18) Laura Ingraham - screechy."

    I remember the morning after Howard Dean blew his stack on national TV and bellowed like a beast. I had not heard about this happening yet. I was in Manchester, NH (shortly before the primary) and listening to Don Imus on the radio. Ingraham was a guest and seems like every other sentence she was screeching like an angry eagle. After a while of listening to this, I figured out what she was imitating.

    Ingraham's imitation was even louder and more bestial than Dean's. And I've hardly heard anyone else who can top Howard.

  2. No Charlie Rose or Fareed Zakaria?

  3. I don't watch enough TV news to be familiar with many of them.

    I primarily listen to radio for this kind of thing.

    And yes, I listen to Hannity, Diane Rehm, Mark Levin, Meeeshell Norris, Steve Innskeep, Lou Dobbs, Rush Limbaugh, Kai Ryssdal, Robert Seigel, Scott Simon, and Gordon Deal. To name a few.

    And this list has only some overlap with Will's.

  4. dmark: I remember... Howard Dean blew his stack on national TV and bellowed like a beast.

    That's strange, I know what event you're talking about, but I most certainly do not remember that Howard Dean "bellowed like a beast". I remember an enthusiastic shout, but no "bellow".

    No surprise that dmarks listens to a bunch of far Right loons... that's probably where his wildly incorrect characterization of Howard Dean's shout comes from.

  5. WD said: "No surprise that dmarks listens to a bunch of far Right loons."

    I see that you skipped half of the list. Was this intentional?

    My correct description of Dean's inhuman bellow was from the actual news footage.


    I don't care what either Diane Rehm or Rush Limbaugh says about it.

  6. WD,I think most refer to it as the "Dean Scream."

    What ever it was it sure derailed his campaign in a hurry.

    Kind of like Michael Dukakis sitting in a tank wearing that big friggin helmet....that was classic.

    Or John Kerry wind surfing.

  7. dmarks: I see that you skipped half of the list. Was this intentional?

    There are Right-wing loons on your list. Plus some other names I don't recgonize. Must be nobodies who broadcast from locked rooms in abandoned buildings.

    dmarks: My correct description of Dean's inhuman bellow was from the actual news footage.

    This is a rightwing myth. Dean had to yell loudly to be heard over the noise the crowd was making. However, due to microphone placement, the noise of the crowd wasn't picked up... so in that news footage you you are referring to it does SEEM like he is yelling a little loudly (but he isn't).

    No need to thank me. I was happy to set you straight on this. Just don't go repeating this lie again.

    Rusty: What ever it was it sure derailed his campaign in a hurry. kind of like Michael Dukakis sitting in a tank wearing that big friggin helmet.... that was classic. Or John Kerry wind surfing.

    These silly things are responsible for "derailing" campaigns? Goes to show how dumb the average voter is. Also proves we don't have a "liberal media".

    Rusty: Well, what do you know.... another 100 million down the shitter.

    Jeez... thanks George bush and Congressional Republicans!

  8. BB Idaho; Charlie Rose - penetrating, Fareed Zakaria - scholarly.............As for Howard Dean's rather bizarre display of enthusiasm, it did rather kill his campaign, didn't it? I mean, my God, even Dave Chappelle did a hilarious bit on it.

  9. "Dean Scream" clip was media fraud (excerpt)... the Dean Scream was a fraud, probably the clearest instance of media assassination in recent U.S. political history... Crowd noise was silenced by the microphone he held, which deadened ambient sounds".

  10. WD said: "Crowd noise was silenced by the microphone he held, which deadened ambient sounds..."

    So your claim that he did not do it is supported mainly by your claim that there was other noise in the room also.


    No, sorry. Illogic does not work here. It was a self destruct job by none other than Howard Dean.

    Dean himself after the fact called it a "c"razy, red-faced rant"

    Typical of an out of control hothead who on various occasions said that Republicans are brain dead, evil, and he hated them. Thats half of the American electorate that Dean hated. He pegs the needle on the "divider, not a uniter" scale.

    Even if he did not go crazy (his own word) on stage, his contempt for half of America proved he was not any kind of man to represent the whole people.

    will. how would Howard "Human Volcano" Dean fit on the list of figures you would not trust near the nuclear button? He's at least as hot headed as Newt.

    Here is Howard again

  11. dmarks (employing incredible illogic): So your claim that he did not do it is supported mainly by your claim that there was other noise in the room also.

    I made no such claim. He did yell. I said it was wildly inaccurate to characterize his enthusiastic yell as "blowing his stack" or to say that he "bellowed like a beast".

    That characterization is utter nonsense.

    dmarks: No, sorry. Illogic does not work here.

    I suggest you stop employing it then.

    From the Democratic Underground post I linked to... "You saw only him and heard only his inexplicable screaming [in the video that pulled it's sound from Dean's mike]..."

    "...[A] second clip was the same speech taped by a supporter on the floor of the hall. The difference was stunning. The place was packed. The noise was deafening. Dean was on the podium, but you couldn't hear him. The roar from his supporters was drowning him out".

    "Dean was no longer scary, unhinged, volcanic, over the top. He was like the coach of a would-be championship NCAA football team at a pre-game rally, trying to be heard over a gym full of determined, wildly enthusiastic fans. I saw energy, not lunacy".

    Exactly. As for Dean's "own words", he was reacting to the much disseminated video that is minus the crowd noise. I think it would have been pointless for him to launch into some long explanation about the microphone not picking up the crowd noise. A lot of people (like YOU) wouldn't have bought it. His campaign was over. It was easier for him to just go along with what people THOUGHT had happened.

  12. Your point is well taken, dmarks. No, no nuclear button for Mr. Dean. LOL

  13. really need to learn to laugh at your side a little, wd.

  14. ..waiting for the word association for this guy ..?

  15. Will: You really need to learn to laugh at your side a little.

    Why would I laugh at a wild mischaracterization of what someone on "my side" did? If I were to laugh at anyone it would be "your" side (Conservatives) for making such an issue out of someone's enthusiasm.

    IMO, even if "real" (that is, if it really had been a "crazy" scream) he should be commended for it. It was more emotion then the Romneybot is capable of showing.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. WD said: "There are Right-wing loons on your list. Plus some other names I don't recogonize. Must be nobodies who broadcast from locked rooms in abandoned buildings."

    They were mostly NPR and related left-wing loons. Which means they broadcast from locked rooms in government-funded buildings.


    Will said: "Your point is well taken, dmarks. No, no nuclear button for Mr. Dean. LOL"


    WD: "Why would I laugh at a wild mischaracterization of what someone on "my side" did?"

    Can prove that there was some sort of digital alteration on the actual sound of Dean's bellow? That he did not actually make this sound that we've all heard?

    If you can't, then Deans own 'word' stands on its own a crazy-ass sound that would kill the campaign of anyone who dared utter it, right or left.

    "It was more emotion then the Romneybot is capable of showing."

    Quite fitting for a man who claims to hate half of America.

  18. Will: Good video. Notice Chappell daid that "Dean messed up his campaign with his mouth". I guess that makes him a right-wing loon, according to WD.

    One thing that WD just can't get around is the fact that Dean actually did the insane bellow. WD saying stuff like if you stood in a different part of the room you would not hear it makes no sense.

    I suppose next he will claim that Karl Rove somehow tricked Dean into screaming, just like Karl Rove tricked Dan Rather into fabricating the 'Bush went AWOL' hoax.


    By the way, Will, my local Michigan radio station likes to play the insane "Michigan!!!!" bellow from the same speech in a lot of promo material. It sounds hardly less unhinged than the famous scream.

    Funny stuff. Not Presidential in the least. But funny.

  19. And I love how Dean's head bursts into flames toward the end of this one

  20. BB Idaho - Stephen Colbert - uproarious.............wd, first off, I really don't have a side (do you really think that the conservatives want ME? really?). And, secondly, I have absolutely no qualms about making fun of Mr.s Romney and Gingrich (the first I would trust with the nuclear button, the second one not so much). Hell, I laugh out loud when they imitate 'em on "Saturday Night Live".......wd, you're only laughing at 50% of the world. I would go insane if I could only laugh at 50% of the world......dmarks, the conspiracy theory certainly IS expanding, isn't it?

  21. dmarks: WD saying stuff like if you stood in a different part of the room you would not hear it makes no sense.

    I didn't say that. I said the mic Howard Dean was wearing didn't pick up the ambient noise of the room. He screamed to be heard over the noise (which wasn't on the video you reference).

    You really don't understand what I mean by "mischaracterize"? It means I'm not disputing that he yelled, just the words you're using to describe his yell. So, what's up with this nonsense about me having to prove his voice was digitally altered?

    dmarks: One thing that WD just can't get around is the fact that Dean actually did the insane bellow.

    I can't get around it because it didn't happen. He yelled, but it wasn't an "insane bellow". I've seen the video. You're wrong.

    dmarks: Not Presidential in the least.

    I'd vote for Howard Dean for president in a heartbeat.

    Will: wd, you're only laughing at 50% of the world.

    No, I'm only laughing at things that are funny. Imagined "bellows" aren't.

    The Dave Chappelle video was somewhat funny. I'd probably find it funnier if not for all the Conservatives who spun the story in order to use it for political advantage. That ticks me off.

    The incident may have been funnier if we had all laughed and then not come to insane conclusions like he had to drop his bid for the presidency because of it. I mean, a guy's enthusiasm isn't "presidential"? Give me a frigging break!

    dmarks: They were mostly NPR and related left-wing loons.

    Leftwing loons? On NPR? I'm doubtful (watch Will accuse me of calling you a liar).

  22. Most of the people who I know, REGARDLESS OF PARTY, laughed their asses off at. But that was just us, I guess.

  23. So WD,let me get this straight.A misplaced mic was the reason for the Dean Scream and the emplosion of his campaign was the result of this misplaced mic.Christ this is similar to the "magic bullet."

    Soooo,at the time of this misplaced mic no liberals came to Howies defense.Was it also something misplaced that caused your party to boot him out of his DNC position?

  24. Rusty: And if it had been Gingrich who bellowed like a beast, we'd surely not see WD go into all kinds of logical somersaults to try to say it didn't happen.

  25. Will: But that was just us, I guess.

    I guess. I don't know anyone who laughed their ass off.

    Rusty: So WD, let me get this straight.

    You've got it wrong. As you usually do. The mic wasn't "misplaced", it filtered out the ambient noise. Howard Dean was yelling to be heard over the crowd, which was very loud (they were cheering for him).

    dmarks: ...if it had been Gingrich who bellowed like a beast, we'd surely not see WD go into... logical somersaults...

    I didn't go into any "logical somersaults" in my defense of Howard Dean. My defense of him was 100 percent logical.

    If there were a legitimate reason to make fun of Newt Gingrich I'd join in. I would not, however, have anything to do with any of dmarks' tall tales.

    The "Dean Scream" incident was a clear case of media assassination. I don't approve of those tactics being used against anyone, Democrat or Republican.

  26. WD said: "The "Dean Scream" incident was a clear case of media assassination."

    Only if think the media is unfair for reporting what someone actually said

    "I don't approve of those tactics being used against anyone, Democrat or Republican."

    I DO approve of these tactics, which are nothing but accurate reporting (video clips). For both Democrats and Republicans.

    This "tactic" of accurate reporting is to be commended.

    In truth, Dean has no-one to blame but himself. A self-assasinated campaign.

  27. BYAAAAHHH!!!

    WD said: "Howard Dean was yelling to be heard over the crowd, which was very loud (they were cheering for him)."


    Tell us, WD, what purpose a bestial bellow serves? If it is to get him heard above the noise of the crowd, what meaning is contained in this "word"?


    If it is to get the crowd's attention because it is so loud.... then why did it come at the END of this part of the speech, instead of at the beginning?


    I've been in crowded rooms. I've heard people try to be heard above crowds. But everyone I've heard seems to be able to do it without the pointless imitation of a pterodactyl in an old dinosaur movie. Dean's choice 100%. The media did not do a thing.

    Face it. The ambient noise thing, crowd too loud, etc makes no difference at all


  28. You know what I'd like to see, gents - a Gingrich vs. Dean debate. Now THAT would get some ratings (not to mention a spoof or couple).

  29. Better yet Gingrich,Dean and Ron Paul....they'd be the familys three crazy uncle's.Like the guys in Second Hand Lions.

  30. Great idea, Will. The first question would be, for Dean, "Why do you hate Newt Gingrich?"

    After all, Dean said he did.

    Time to deal with the politics of hate head on.

    Rusty: Hahahahaha!

  31. Also, WD said: "WD said: "No surprise that dmarks listens to a bunch of far Right loons."

    Actually, none of the ones I listed are "far right". You confuse strength of rhetoric (or blowhardness) with being extreme.

    You really need to get a concept of the political center, you know. Maybe then you will stop calling Clinton a conservative.

  32. And... I imagine if Dean had decided not to bellow, but instead bite the head off a bat at the end of this speech, WD would call it "media assassination" due to the camera angle.

    WD, face it, you'd consider it "media assassination" as long as they reported this accurately. The only way for them to avoid this accusation from you is to air this clipped dubbed over by Ben Stein each time it is aired.


  33. I wonder, if I did not reply again, how many dozens of comments would we see from dmarks basically talking to himself? Obviously he's obsessed with slamming Howard Dean for being too enthusiastic. Clearly dmarks has problems.

    But it isn't like this hasn't happened before. I remember when he went into intellectual somersaults in order to slam Al Gore for saying he invented the internet. That time, the same as this time, dmarks was describing events that never happened.

    Regarding the meaning of "BYAAAAHHH!!!"... You'd have to ask Dave Chappelle. He's the one who said it. I've seen the tape, and Howard Dean does not use this word. He says "yeah!" He said it for the same reason anyone who uses it does. It was to enthusiastically punctuate what he had just said.

    dmarks: You really need to get a concept of the political center, you know. Maybe then you will stop calling Clinton a conservative.

    I'm only calling him a conservative because he was one. A conservative Democrat. That's what the whole 3rd way movement was about.... embracing some Republican ideas in order to get the wealthly and corporations on their side (and get more of that sweet campaign cash Republicans have sold out for).

    And I'm not taking advice from dmarks about where the center is. He believes it's much further to the right then it really is. The second Liberals buy into dmarks' concept of where the center is... that's when they've truly lost.

  34. dmarks: And if it had been Gingrich who bellowed like a beast, we'd surely not see WD [defend him].

    Like I said before, if there were a legitimate reason to make fun of Newt Gingrich I'd join in. I would not, however, have anything to do with any of dmarks' tall tales.

    And, as proof that what I said was true, I offer up the following debunkings of Republican "gaffes"...

    Romney wasn't getting his shoes shinned on the tarmac, it was a TSA screening (security was wanding his shoes). Source.

    No proof that Bush 1 was "amazed" by grocery store scanner technology. Snopes says "false". Source.

    I stand ready to accept your apologies.

  35. WD said: "i...ntellectual somersaults in order to slam Al Gore for saying he invented the internet"

    Al Gore did say he invented it. The actual word he used was "Create". To use the word "invent" in a paraphrase (but not actual quote) is fair, considering the meanings of create and invent.

    "That's what the whole 3rd way movement was about.... embracing some Republican ideas..."

    It was actually a way for strongly left-wing Democrats to move closer to the center, without actually being in the center, and still remaining on the left

  36. Now excuse me, I'm am going to see Groundskeeper Willie. Me shoes need a shinnin' !


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