Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pamphlets and Prisms

There are basically two ways to interpret political history. One is through folklore, the other through facts (though, yes, I suppose that a combination of the two is possible, too).................................................................................................For example, just take a look at how the various elements view in hindsight Hillary Clinton's attempt at health-care reform. Those on the far-left continue to see it as a noble attempt at reform that was largely derailed by big industry. Contrasted, those on the far-right continue to see it it as a government takeover of the private insurance industry. AND THEN THERE ARE THE FACTS. a) Big business DID NOT oppose Hillarycare. Yes, the smaller providers opposed it in that they wanted a more market-oriented approach but conglomerates such as Prudential, Cigna, Aetna, Met Life, and Travelers (all of which by that time had become HMOs) - they were all basically behind it! And, b) because they were basically behind it, it was also unfair for the demagogues on the right to denigrate it as a big government takeover. It was what it was, in other words; yet another example of big business and big government enriching each other and maybe, MAYBE, the public benefiting from it.


  1. "Those on the far-left continue to see it as a noble attempt at reform that was largely derailed by big industry. Contrasted, those on the far-right continue to see it it as a government takeover of the private insurance industry."

    I see something similar to the over-use of the term "extreme". The two sides you mention are not far- anything. Not the fringe, but rather mainstream. Both of them.

  2. Will: Those on the far-left continue to see it as a noble attempt at reform that was largely derailed by big industry.

    "Those on the far left"? I thought this understanding of how Hillary's attempt at health care reform went down was widely accepted to be accurate. It's my understanding of what happened. I admit, however, that I was far less politically aware at the time (I didn't really pay attention to politics).

    So maybe I'm wrong. Unfortunately your post contains no facts to help me arrive at what the truth might be. Apparently you believe writing "FACTS" (in all capital letters) makes your presentation of what happened indisputable...

    ...and therefore there is no need for you to link to a mainstream news article to back up what you're claiming. It sounds like Moderate spin to me.

  3. All of the above mentioned conglomerates either were for the Hillary plan or they didn't oppose it.......I got it from Timothy Carney's book, "Obamanomics".

  4. I don't know how much more evidence we need that Will is a Conservative... that he'd read a book titled, "Obamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses"... and then take everything in it as gospel.

    Now we know the source of his "follow the money, Obama is a Crony capitalist" posts!

    Will, I advise you to read this review on Amazon... this is a guy knows what he's talking about.

  5. You're shameless. You're throwing Mr. Carney under the bus, too. The man is respected thinker (a libertarian who proudly proclaims in his speeches that he's never voted Republican) and journalist who even your buddy, Chris Hayes, follows on Twitter. And his book is meticulously researched. What was his source for this piece of information? Try the frigging New York Times, pal! Yeah, an article from 1993 by Peter Kerr entitled, "The Changing Definition of Health Insurers". And it's public information that the big insurance companies broke off from the Health Insurance Association of America and that it was the latter that ran those Harry and Louise ads. You really need to get your snout out of those rigidly ideological shows and "publications" every once in a while and develop some critical thinking skills. You're a young guy and it's probably not too late.

  6. I read books and articles from all perspectives, wd. I've read "Fiasco" by Thomas Ricks which was exceedingly critical of President Bush and I just started "Thicker than Oil" which seemingly takes to task both of the Bushes. I've also read books by Kevin Phillips which have been heavily critical of Republicans in general. Ergo, you're full of shit.......And the data that Mr. Carney provides in the book pretty much ALL comes from opensecrets.org; not exactly the right arm of the right-wing.

  7. You haven't read a page of the book and yet you proclaim this one cherry-picked reviewer "knows what he's talking about". Inbefrigginglievable.

  8. Will: You really need to... develop some critical [Moderate] thinking skills. You're a young guy and it's probably not too late.

    No, it's too late. I'll just have to accept that I'll never be as awesome as Will Hart. I'm OK with that, really.


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