Saturday, January 7, 2012

No Maturity

Here, folks, is a perfect example of why I can't stand Keith Olbermann. Remember back when that centrist, nonpartisan group, No Labels (a group of disaffected moderate Democrats and Republicans whose sole purpose was to try and get the two parties to work together and knock off the bullshit), was formed? Remember how everybody (myself included) was essentially amped by it? "Finally", we said, "a few individuals out there who actually want to get some things done and not be destructive about it." Yeah, well guess what, folks, not Mr. Keith Olbermann. Nope, he went up and put 'em on his "Worst Persons" list. Let's just say that THAT was the final straw for me - him essentially saying that he wanted all the toys or nothing.


  1. Yet another post where Will assumes people know what he's talking about. After a little searching it appears as though what Will is referring to is a "worst person" segment from 2010 when Keith was still with MSNBC.

    In any case, I highly approve of anyone calling out the "No Labels" liars. "Non-partisan"? Yea, right. They're Conservative Democrats and Moderate Republicans pushing their own agenda while claiming they're better then everyone else pushing theirs.

    The organization's sole purpose is not to "try and get the two parties to work together and knock off the bullshit". Their purpose is to get politicians to do things THEIR WAY. "No Labels" is a ridiculous joke, IMO.

    btw, most of the criticism I found of this organization is from the RIGHT. Those on the far Right say the "no labels" people are Democrats trying to fool people... yet you're only going after Keith with this post.

    Not only that, but you also make the silly claim that "everybody was essentially amped". Regarding this claim I say "baloney". "No Labels" has managed to generate very little publicity... which explains you having to go back to 2010 to find a mention of them in the news. The number of people who were "amped" was most likely quite small.

  2. I thought that I gave a pretty good backdrop for it, wd. And, no, the fact that the group isn't a progressive lapdog, I'm not at all surprised by your recalcitrance, either.

  3. Will: I thought that I gave a pretty good backdrop for it.

    So, what you're saying is that it's only Keith Olbermann who's said anything bad about the "No Labels" liars? I suggest you do a Google search... and you'll discover your "backdrop" is seriously lacking.

    Also, I see no facts to back up your laughable claim that "everybody was essentially amped". I seriously doubt that.

    My only criticism of Keith on this would be that he hasn't called out the "No Labels" liars more frequently. He probably realizes the group is going nowhere (and accomplishing nothing) and doesn't want to give them any free publicity.

  4. As far as I know, the group, "No Labels", hasn't come out with a specific platform or agenda. Their goal is to simply have the two parties work together and come up with some decent compromises. Who but a mindless ideologue would ever have an issue with that.......And, yes, "everybody" was an overstatement (though I didn't necessarily mean it LITERALLY!!).......And I didn't say that Keith Olbermann (now there's a fucking liar) was the ONLY person who criticized "No Labels" (where you frigging got that I'll never know). I just said that it was a perfect example of why I can't stand the lunatic. That's all.

  5. It seems Olbermann is now at odd's with his new employers.He was taken off their coverage of both the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries and replaced by someone named Skank.Poor guy will be running out of networks.

    Olbermann's next stop...a kiosk at the Paramus Mall.

  6. No surprise, but I looked up the story Rusty refers to... and it turns out he's wrong. According to Current management, Keith Olbermann was NOT "thrown off" covering the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries.

    They wanted him to cover those primaries, but he declined, citing exasperation regarding all the technical difficulties at Current. According to Keith, he will cover all subsequent primaries.

    Apparently Keith had to give them a kick in the butt in order for them to get their act together.

  7. btw, Keith is in charge of the news division, plus he has an equity stake in Current. He isn't just an employee anymore. That being the case, it's his responsibility to make sure Current puts out a top notch product.

    Apparently Current Management isn't quite ready to run with the big boys, but I'm sure Keith will straighten them out.

  8. ESPN--- Fired

    Fox Sports--- Fired

    MSNBC---- Fired

    Current--- TBD

    Next stop.....Kiosk in the Paramus Mall.

  9. Hey, Russ, did you see MSNBC's primary coverage last night? It was basically 5-6 partisan ramrods and one token Republican schmo (Steve Schmidt - who most other Republicans don't even care for). Wow, huh? From Howard K. Smith, David Brinkley, and Edward R. Murrow to THIS.

  10. I really did'nt watch much of the coverage.I did catch Romney's speech,which I thought was one of his best.I also watched Ron Pauls...I used to have a crazy uncle who lived in the Brooklyn...Paul reminds me of him.

    As for MSNBC....

    Rachel Maddow hates men

    Laurence O'Donnell is a socialist

    Al Sharpton hates whitey

    Ed Schultz hates whoever took the last doughnut.

    Its a sad commentary when Spitten Chris Matthews is the one making a little bit of sense.


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