Monday, January 23, 2012

Matthews's Saving Grace

Proclaim what you want about Chris Matthews (i.e., that he's crazy, divisive, smarmy, etc.), the guy DOES come out with good ones. On tonight's show, for instance, he gave a little advice to Mitt Romney going into tonight's debate. He told him flatly, "don't get into a peeing contest with a skunk." Suffice it to say that I laughed out loud and am smiling still.


  1. I actually like Newt Gingrich. I don't like his politics one bit. I don't like he beliefs at all. I do enjoy hearing him speak. As a speaker, he is a cut above the other nuts on the stage. I liked the same thing about Rumsfeld, whom I also did not like politically.

  2. Interesting, John. I kind of feel the same way about Pat Buchanan. The guy's a nut and yet I still enjoy listening to him. Something about those provocateurs, I guess.

  3. Will: Proclaim what you want about Chris Matthews (i.e., that he's crazy, divisive, smarmy, etc.)...

    I wouldn't say any of those things about him. Not sure what I would say though... I don't watch him. He's too centerist for me.

    In regards to "proclaiming" things about other people... passing judgement is something Will obviously really enjoys.

    If you're too far left or right for Will's taste (usually left), then you're "divisive". If he argues his case using (what is, in his opinion) his "superior logic"... and you still fail to agree with him, then you're an "idiot". If you've got the courage of your convictions, then you're "arrogant", or a "partisan stooge", or "crazy". And if you admire our president then you're "smarmy".

    It's all getting quite predictable.

  4. I can't think of more than a couple of issues that I wouldn't be willing to compromise on, wd. Compare that to you and your unending dogmatism and nearly depraved adherence to ideology/hero worship.......And you've tarred me a time or two, too, dude; I'm a conservative, a moderate extremist (a concept that you've never satisfactorily defined), a corporatist, a misogynist, yada yada. Like with this whole discussion on tax increases on the wealthy. You called me a conservative EVEN THOUGH I AGREE WITH OBAMA ON THE SUBSTANCE (I just didn't like the way that he was framing it). I mean, you're ridiculous at times.

  5. No matter what party holds the White House I dont put much stock in a SOTU address.Its usually just about an hour of throwing crumbs to the base of whoever is living at 1600.

    What did spike my interest tonight was the rebuttal given by Mitch Daniels the Gov.of Indiana.After the Bobby Jindal fiasco a couple years ago Gov. Daniels showed why many,many conservatives wanted him to run for the nomination this year.Even Chris Matthews,in a rare moment of sanity raved about Daniels speech calling it a throw back to old Mid-West conservatism that outlined consise options to Obama.

    Well let me tell you...that is when the fecal matter hit the air circulator.The human screech machine Rachel Maddow took Spittin Chris to task on air telling him he was 100% of base,did'nt know what he was talking about and Daniels speech was 180 degrees from what Matthews said it was.Matthews sat there with his mouth open...I think he could'nt believe what just happened.Great comedy....great comedy.

  6. I can listen to Maddow for about as long as I can listen to Palin. And at least with Palin you can turn the sound down.

  7. Will: I mean, you're ridiculous at times.

    The feeling is mutual.

    I watched the coverage on Current. They didn't air the Republican rebuttal. Wise decision, IMO. Who cares about a rebuttal where whatever Republican is chosen runs down the president and vows the Republicans will sit on their hands and then blame the President because nothing is getting done?

    The Democrats *should* easily retake the House, make gains in the Senate, and retain the presidency in 2012. Unfortunately too many believe Republican lies.

    I'd probably have agreed with Rachel Maddow if I had been watching.

  8. They censored the Republicans and you're proud of that. Incredible.

  9. Will: They censored the Republicans and you're proud of that. Incredible.

    People who get Current also get other networks. If someone watching Current wanted to hear the Republican rebuttal they could change the channel. There was no "censoring" going on.

    According to dmarks nobody was watching anyway... so what does it matter?


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