Saturday, January 28, 2012

According to the historical tables from the Office of Management and Budget, federal social spending has increased markedly from 2000 to 2010. Here are the respective increases (adjusted for inflation) from specific areas; Medicaid and SCHIP 87%, Veteran's benefits 107%, Welfare and other income security programs 91%, Education 155%, Health resources and regulation 69%, Natural resources and the environment 47%, Unemployment compensation 559%, Medicare 81%, Housing assistance 108%, Food assistance 139%, WIC 52%, Child nutrition 47%, Child tax credit payments 2,155%, and the Earned Income Tax Credit 48%..........................................................................................Now, granted, some of these increases have accrued during the first two years of the Obama administration. But, as the previous table from the previous post clearly enumerated, Mr. Bush was hardly a piker when it came to a) entitlement spending and b) non-defense discretionary spending. Ergo, I can definitely see why the conservative didn't like him domestically and all but the liberals, it has to be more about the tax-cuts, I'm thinking.

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