Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Closing Down for Surgery

Hopefully back by the weekend. Commenter moderation activated because of the troll.


  1. Take care, Will. Hope the surgery goes well, Will. (Say that fast!)

  2. I have been mostly out of things for a while, with the exception of my perpetual debate with Heathen. I come back and you are getting surgery. Did my absence really affect you this much?!

  3. Your blog is getting a new look? I can't wait to see the changes your blog undergoes after it's "surgery".

  4. I trust the surgery went well. See you this weekend, in the cyber-sphere.

  5. Thanks for the comments, Gents. Still kinda recuperating. And, yes, John, it DID effect me! LOL

  6. Hope things went well Will.

    Here's a post surgery tip.

    One 10mg vicodin plus one shot of vodka.

  7. I only have Percocet 5 hydrocodone/325 acetaminophen. I've been taking one every 4-6 hours. I might have to bump it up to two and, yeah, a shooter of something or other probably wouldn't hurt.


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