Monday, December 26, 2011

The Skeptics 1

1) Ivar Giaever - Nobel Prize winner for physics.............2) Dr. Joanne Simpson - atmospheric scientist, first woman in the world to ever earn a PhD in meteorology.............3) Dr. Kiminon Itoh - environmental physical chemist.............4) Dr. Jarl Ahlbeck - chemical engineer Abo Akademi University of Finland.............5) Dr. Pal Brekke - solar physicist and senior adviser to the Norwegian Space Center in Oslo.............6) Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera - researcher at the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.............7) Geoffrey Duffy - professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Aukland.............8) Dr. William Briggs - climate statistician at the American Meteorological Society's Probability and Statistics Committee.............9) Andrei Kapista - Russian geographer and Antarctic ice-core researcher.............10) Dr. Will Happer - physicist Princeton.............11) Dr. Miklos Zagoni - Hungarian physicist.............12) Dr. David Gee - geologist Uppsala University Sweden.............13) Dr. Philip Lloyd - nuclear physicist and chemical engineer.............14) James Peden - atmospheric physicist and formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh.............15) Dr. Phil Chapman - astronautical engineer and former NASA astronaut/M.I.T. physics professor.............16) Delgado Domingos - environmental scientist and founder of the Numerical Weather Forecast Group.............17) Dr. Takeda Kunihiko - vice chancellor of the Institute of Science and Technology Research Chuba University Japan.............18) Dr. Eduardo Tonni - paleontologist at the Committee for Scientific Research in Buenos Aires.............19) Dr. Art Douglas - atmospheric scientist Creighton University.............20) D. Patrick Frank - more than 50 peer reviewed articles.............21) Jack Schmitt - astronaut (Apollo 17)/geologist and formerly of the Norwegian and U.S. geological surveys.............22) Dr. Richard Keen - climatologist University of Colorado.............23) Dr. G. LeBlanc Smith - Principal research scientist with Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.............24) Dr. Arun Ahluwalia - geologist Purijab University India.............25) Dr. Roy Spencer - climatologist University of Alabama (formerly of NASA).............26) Dr. Richard Lindzen atmospheric physicist M.I.T. 27) Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds more..............................................................................................Look, folks, I'm not saying that there isn't global-warming, or even that man hasn't played a role in it. I'm just saying that MAYBE we need to show a little bit of prudence, for Christ (the fact that Boone Pickens couldn't make a go of it with windmills, the fact that even with an $8,000 tax credit nobody really wanted those crappy electric cars, Solyndra, etc.).


  1. If you lived in Kansas,drove a Volt,a car with a range of 40 miles,were at work when a snowstorm hit,your home is 35 miles away....WTF would you do?

  2. And I kind of resent that $8,000 tax credit, too (yet another example of the government trying to pick winners and losers).

  3. Will: ...yet another example of the government trying to pick winners and losers.

    This, in my opinion, is something the government should definitely be doing. If we leave it to the "free market" the results can be undesirable.

    Cap and trade is dead, so I don't know what you're worrying about Will. Future generations will have to deal with the much worse consequences created by our failure to act.

  4. "If we leave it to the free market the results can be undesirable."

    Yeah, heaven forbid we get the results that the people actually want and need. That'd be horrid!

  5. WD: "[Picking winners and losers], in my opinion, is something the government should definitely be doing. If we leave it to the "free market" the results can be undesirable."

    Even when a Republican is in the White House? I suspect you wouldn't trust us to pick the winners and losers, would you?

  6. So, wd, how well did that tax credit for shitty electric cars initiative turn out? As far as I can tell, the only thing that that really accomplished was a whole hell of a lot of cheap golf-carts for rich people.............Oh, and to answer YOUR question, HR, I would have to say, no, wd wouldn't trust Republicans on this or any other matter.

  7. I'm sure glad we have the federal government there to force car companies to sell cars people don't need.

    Or try to sell, anyway.

    Here are sales figures that reflect actual car buyer needs.

  8. Will: So, wd, how well did that tax credit for shitty electric cars initiative turn out?

    I have no idea how this imaginary initiative for "shitty electric cars" turned out. You tell me. You're the one who made it up.

  9. I made nothing up, wd. The federal government gave up to an $8,000 tax rebate for people to buy electric cars and it was a total failure.

  10. I haven't read the legislation, but I'm POSITIVE the term "shitty electric car" isn't in it. That's what you made up. There is no legislation that contains this language... I'd stake my life on it.

  11. WD said: "I haven't read the legislation, but I'm POSITIVE the term "shitty electric car" isn't in it."

    A pretty good case can be made that Will is fairly describing these electric cars.

    What else can be said about when you get a Nissan Leaf all ready to go, and it will die on the road a mere 73 miles after starting out, while normal cars will take you hundreds of miles down the road without needing more energy.

    Just try this out in the real world. Consider a short jaunt, say from Los Angeles to Palm Springs. You Nissan Leaf will let you down for sure (pwned!), while even a shoddy old 1979 Chrysler LeBaron with 10 mpg will get you to your destination.

  12. Another example of the government picking losers instead of winners.


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