Thursday, December 15, 2011

Republican Candidates and Whether or Not I Trust Them With the Nuclear Button

Huntsman - yes. Romney - yes. Gingrich - no. Perry - no. Bachmann - no. Paul - yes. Santorum - probably. Johnson - yes. Karger - yes. Roemer - yes. Cain (had he stayed in) - no. Pawlenty (had he stayed in) - yes. Christie (had he gotten in) - yes. Palin (had she gotten in) - no. Trump (had he gotten in) - HELL NO!


  1. Amazingly, no comments.

    Are there any leading Dems you would include in the "do no trust" list?

  2. Hm. Probably not (though I would clearly distrust them in other areas). Maybe Scoop Jackson in the olden days.


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