Sunday, December 4, 2011

Note to the OWS Movement (And, No, This Isn't a Play on Words About the Protester Crapping on the Cop Car)

We all have rights, people. But once those rights impinge upon the rights of others (in this particular instance, the rights of local businesses, the rights of others to use the facilities, etc.), they cease. In regards to your little New York City situation, Mr. Bloomberg was MORE than patient and when he acted he acted decisively. I have zero problem with it.............Oh, and a note to any OWS people out there who plan on impeding my movement/preventing me from enjoying a facility, three little words of caution to 'em; wear a cup..................................................................................................P.S. I also have a suggestion. You want to make a difference in the country? Start by lobbying your representative and pushing for a law that in the future will ban ALL insider trading (i.e., one that will even apply to such miserable cretins as John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi). No, it isn't the entire answer, but it's a start.


  1. Will,

    We all do have rights. True story. Yet you support abortion on demand, under the "freedom of choice" mindset.

    Tell me, sir: do not the unborn have rights?

    Just a passing question.

  2. "Oh, and a note to any OWS people out there who plan on impeding my movement/preventing me from enjoying a facility"

    When they do that, they are engaging in a form of physical harassment.

    I support free speech, but not harassment. This goes for OWS protesters, union picketers harassing workers, and abortion-clinic protesters. Stay away from the entrances and don't get in anyone's face.

  3. Will,

    Completely unrelated to this post, but I was having a conversation with a buddy of mine and he mentioned how interesting it would be if Hillary decided to run for President, based on the dismal poll numbers Obama is putting up right now. (Carter is more popular! Yikes!)

    Any thoughts on this? Could you imagine if Hillary broke ranks and took the prize from Obama?

  4. Chakam, yeah, I'm pro-choice. I just don't see how we can mandate that a woman retain a pregnancy that she doesn't want. I am, however, willing to look at restrictions in the third trimester.............dmarks, agree 100%. I've seen some union protesters who virulently harassed the replacement workers to the tune of the n-word repeatedly. It was a pretty nasty sight.

  5. Yes, Will. Sort of buries deeply any case to be made that unions respect the working man. Assault, harassment, and the N-word flung at working people by union activists is not respect in my book.

  6. Will: ...three little words of caution to 'em; wear a cup...

    Threats of violence against peaceful protestors from a corporate stooge? An attack against a Progressive champion based on "evidence" from Rightwing liar Peter Schweitzer? This is moderate extremism in action, folks.

  7. I said IF they impeded my movement, Charlie. As long as they didn't do that, no violence.............What a slandering, sniveling little idiot you are. You can't point to one solitary lie by Mr. Schweizer (you can't even spell his name, for Christ - and you talk about Rusty) and you go around assassinating his character. This, while at the same time, take as gospel a person who has been totally discredited by both the Congress and the media (this frigging Gary Sick idiot). How frigging pathetic can you get. Steve Croft, wd, is a broadcasting legend and he backs up what Schweizer says about Pelosi. Who in the hell backs up Sick? NOBODY!

  8. It's like you said, dmarks, the people on the picket lines are the bottom of the barrel.

  9. Will: I said IF they impeded my movement, Charlie. As long as they didn't do that, no violence.

    Why would they do that? Are you planning on attending a counter-protest?

    Will: What a slandering, sniveling little idiot you are.

    What about your "slandering"? I can't voice my opinion regarding whether or not I think the sources you cite as gospel are accurate/telling the truth... but it's OK for your to slander Nancy Pelosi and Gary Sick? Hypocrite.

    Will: You can't point to one solitary lie by Mr. Schweizer (you can't even spell his name, for Christ - and you talk about Rusty) and you go around assassinating his character.

    [1] I don't give a shit about spelling his name right. [2] I've never said a damn thing about Rusty spelling anyone's name wrong. [3] I pointed out multiple times what Petey lied about.

    I think it is VERY telling that Will takes as gospel anything said by this obvious Rightwing partisan stooge. I mean, he wrote a book titled "Makers and Takers: Why conservatives work harder, feel happier, have closer families [blah blah blah... more BS slandering of Americans who identify with the Left]"!

    So, Will Hart says he dislikes partisan stooges... obviously that sentiment only applies to those he perceives as Leftwing partisan "stooges". Hypocrite.

    Will: This, while at the same time, take as gospel...

    I think the likelihood that events transpired as alleged by Sick are high, but I never said I take this theory as "gospel".

    Will: ...a person who has been totally discredited by both the Congress and the media...

    Peter Schweitzer is the one who has been discredited. I haven't seen the report by Steve Croft, but I don't believe being a "broadcasting legend" means you can never be wrong.

    Will: Who in the hell backs up Sick? NOBODY!

    Nobody? Another Will Hart lie. Some individuals who back up Gary Sick include...

    [1] Former Reagan/Bush campaign and White House staffer Barbara Honegger.

    [2] Investigative journalist Robert Parry who says a Russian report which was hand-delivered to the US Embassy in 1993 confirms that the October Surprise actually did occur.

    [3] Political historian Kevin Phillips believes that Reagan campaign officials probably were involved in a scheme akin to the specific scheme alleged by Sick.

    [4] First president of Iran, economist and human rights activist Abulhassan Banisadr said there was a deal offered by the Reagan camp. Banisadr wanted the hostages released immediately, but was told that if he didn't accept the Reagan deal they [the Republicans] would make the same offer to Banisadr's radical Iranian] rivals.

  10. You said that they planned to block the Brooklyn Bridge (forgot about that one, huh?).............MULTIPLE sources have totally annihilated Mr. Sicks' credibility. The fellow used heresay and didn't even interview half his sources AND he sold the frigging rights to his book to Oliver Stone (LOL!!!!!). And you're using this asshole to call one of our former Presidents a traitor. Have you any shame whatsoever.............Mr. Schweizer is a respected journalist whose works have been included in periodicals across the political spectrum and you have sited ZERO instances in which the man has lied. The only pathetic thing that you've put forth is some mildly mitigating factor that he didn't even know about (do you even know what the word, lie, means?).............You can get 5-6 people to believe anything, wd. I choose to believe credible journalists (The Village Voice) and politicians (Lee Hamilton) than total cranks like Gary Sick.

  11. OWS and the Brooklyn Bridge = something I never said a damn thing about.

    Multiple sources = one crank (Frank Snepp).

    Peter Schweizer = hyper-partisan liar.

    hyper-partisan liar = respected journalist (in Will Hart's mind).

    Ronald Reagan = traitor.

    NOBODY! = 5-6 people (in Will Hart's mind).

    cold hard facts = pathetic thing (in Will Hart's mind).

  12. Frank Snepp is a very courageous man, wd. He was one of the last people to leave the embassy in Saigon before it fell AND he took on the CIA by exposing some of their dirty little secrets (I thought that you lefties liked whistle-blowers). Since then, he's had a distinguished career in academia (at Long Beach State) and journalism. The dude's won a frigging Peabody, wd.............As for Mr. Schweizer, he has a Master's in philosophy from Oxford and has written for such diverse publications as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the LA Times, USA Today, the National Review, and Foreign Affairs. And the dude isn't anywhere near as partisan as you and Olbermann are. Just in his last book alone, he fingered just as many Republicans as he did Democrats (let's just say that John Boehner and Dennis Hastert won't be sending him a Christmas card this year). When was the last time that you did something that nonpartisan? AND, if it wasn't for Mr. Shweizer's book and Steve Croft's reporting of it, this whole Stock Act legislation would still be gathering mothballs, for Christ.............Reagan = a traitor. Nice, wd, and on the most dubious of evidence, too. No shame. None.

  13. "Ronald Reagan = traitor"

    Just a slanderous insult, exactly like saying Obama is a Kenyan citizen. There's no evidence at all.

  14. A little bit of lacking in perspective, huh, dmarks? Traitor, war criminal, didn't eat his broccoli......


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