Saturday, December 10, 2011

Caught Off Guard

I'm normally not a big fan of smack-talking in sports (it is significantly better to do your talking on the court/field, I'm thinking), but when Jason Terry proclaimed in the middle of this year's NBA finals that Lebron James couldn't guard him, and then proceeded to prove it over the rest of the series, that, my friends, was impressive - VERY IMPRESSIVE. Not that I necessarily should have been surprised, mind you. Jason Terry has been a difficult "guard" for 13 years now. The dude isn't just one of the most underrated players currently. He's one of the most underrated players in history. And, yes, folks, he in fact DOES have the stats to prove it. During his 12 year career with the Hawks/the Mavericks, Jason Terry has scored close to 16,000 points and dished out over 4,500 assists. And, not only that, the dude is a flat-out warrior (he's only failed to suit up 23 times in his entire career). With all of the prima donnas in sports these days, damned if it wasn't good to finally see one of the good guys hoisting the trophy.


  1. Will: ...that, my friends, was impressive - VERY IMPRESSIVE.

    I'm not impressed. I don't give a crap.

  2. You gave your opinion on the subject and I gave mine. Why is my opinion "asshole mode"? If either of us qualifies as being in "asshole mode" for voicing our opinions... I nominate you.

  3. It's like what Marcus said. If you don't have anything intelligent or constructive to say, why in the fuck say anything?

  4. Will: If you don't have anything intelligent or constructive to say, why in the f**k say anything?

    Give me a break. If you took your own advice you'd have to shut down your blog. I mean, TWO posts pushing the Conservative lies regarding F&F and their (non) role in the financial crisis on the same day? (That's in addition to the literally dozens you've authored previously). That doesn't qualify as "intelligent" in my book.

  5. My source for one of those posts, asshole, was a New York Times book review by Robert Reich. Unlike you, that dude is smart enough to know that a 154 BILLION dollar bailout (the biggest of all the bailouts) isn't an insignificant thing. I mean, my God, dude, don't you ever want to learn something?

  6. Dude, you've been saying for months now that F & F played zero role in the financial collapse. A $154,000,000,000 billion dollar bailout is the smoking gun that you are simply incorrect. It DID play a roll (gobbling up toxic loans left and right) and it in fact was one of the prime movers.

  7. Will: Some things are not worth getting angry about...I just don't do the blogosphere anymore...It's a lot easier having a relaxed political conversation at a coffeehouse at Yale University isn't it? Plus seeing Vincent Van Gogh's, Manets and Copleys afterward as a bonus...


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