Saturday, December 10, 2011


Ralph Nader is another of those liberal firebrands whose always shouting his mouth off about union rights and THEN doing the exact opposite in his personal life. Get a load of this one, folks - "Ralph talks big about democracy and even unions. But when his own workers at one of his magazines, Multinational Monitor, got fed up with cruel working conditions and started agitating for a union of their own, Nader busted the union with all of the hardball techniques used by corporate owners across America. Workers at Public Citizen, another Nader group, also tried to form a union because of 60 to 80 hour work weeks, salaries that ranged from $13,000 down, and other difficult working conditions and were blocked by Nader, who remains unapologetic to this day.......Nader says "I don't think there is a role for unions in small nonprofit 'cause' organizations any more than ... within a monastery or within a union."......When ringleader Tim Shorrock filed the union recognition papers, Nader immediately transferred ownership in the Multinational Monitor to close friends who ran an organization ("Essential Information") that Nader had set up. When Shorrock showed up for work the next day, he had been fired, the locks were changed, and management called the police to charge him with theft (of his own work papers.) That charge was thrown out of court, but management fired the two supportive editors and sued the three of them for $1.2 million, agreeing to drop the intimidation suit only when they dropped their NLRB complaint. All of these action are straight from the hardball anti-union playbook, and Nader makes no apology.......According to Nader, "Public interest groups are like crusades�you can�t have work rules, or 9 to 5." Shorrock, with his "union ploy," became an "adversary" according to Nader. "Anything that is commercial, is unionizable," but small public interest organizations "would go broke in a month," Nader says, if they paid union wages, offered union benefits and operated according to standard work rules, such as the eight-hour day. Remember that Nader's well-funded organizations were amassing tons of extra money that Ralph has been playing the stock market with during all these events."......Nice, huh?


  1. While on the subject of hypocritical liberals lets give honorable mention to John Corzine,former Senator and governor of New Jersey.

    Corzine's now bankrupt company MF Global lost 1.2 billion dollars of investors money.His answer to Congress when asked what happened was "I have no idea where the money went."

    I have'nt yet seen any OWS protesters outside Corzine's house or any demands for him to be arrested.Could it be because he's a liberal dem? I wonder.

  2. I was thinking about that today, too, Russ. Billion with a b.

  3. Yeah, um...who's Ralph Nader, exactly?

    Is he important to America?

    I mean, I've heard the name but it was as the punchline to a joke.

  4. And let's not forget the fact that Fannie and Freddie are paying off their executives with tax-payer dollars; humongous bonuses, etc..

  5. The guy did some good stuff early on, Chakam, 40-50 years ago.

  6. True, as a consumer advocate in the late 60's early 70's he served a useful purpose.

    Now he reminds me of Howdy Doody.

  7. I knew he was a spoiler, but had no idea Nader was a hypocrite like this.

    As for Nader's quotation "I don't think there is a role for unions in small nonprofit 'cause' organizations any more than ... within a monastery or within a union."

    it is quite self-serving. If Nader ran GM, he'd be saying "I don't think there is a role for unions in large automakers".

  8. By running as a spoiler and knowing it, and not caring of the consequences, Ralph Nader did more than any other person outside of the Bush campaign to get George W. Bush elected in 2000. Oh wait. Maybe he was in the campaign.

    Check out this great video in which Bill Maher and Michael Moore plead with Nader not to work to get Bush re-elected.

  9. I've only ever heard good things about Ralph Nader. He is a comsumer advocate champion. As consumers we all have a LOT to be thankful to Ralph Nader for.

  10. Great video, dmarks. I had seen it before but it was much too hilarious to pass up.............Like I said, wd, the man did some good things early on. It appears that he may have stayed too long at the fair, though.

  11. Will: That was one I watched live as it happened. Was glad someone capture it on Youtube. Maher and Moore's "Think about what you are doing" vs Nader's nonsense.

  12. dmarks: By running as a spoiler... Ralph Nader did more... to get George W. Bush elected in 2000.

    Actually Nader wasn't a spoiler, because bush wasn't elected... Gore won the election (I'm not talking about the popular vote) and the Conservative SCOTUS judges stole it for bush.

    I know dmarks disagrees, but it does sound like he thinks Gore should have won (if he really believes Nader was a spoiler).


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