Saturday, December 24, 2011

"Alan Keyes Is Foaming at the Mouth" (With Apologies to "Alan Keyes's Head Is Exploding")

What would be my answer to the question, "So, would do you think that Mr. Keyes's program SHOULD have been called?"


  1. What program? I don't know what you're talking about.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Alan Keyes is Your Moral Superior because He Said So."

    I work with a guy who's an extreme prolifer no matter what guy. He's a self righteous pain in the ass.

    He's also a pro gun no matter what, anti welfare, anti public education system, anti health care asshole that applauds when people with no health insurance are denied access to health care.

    You would think an extreme pro lifer would be liberal on social issues.

  4. He had a short-lived show on MSNBC (2002, I think). Compared to him, Ed Schultz is measured.

  5. Easy, truth, you're working my side of the street on this one.......Oh, all right, that was a good one.

  6. .

    "I Want My TeaBag Back".

    "Who Says A Blackman Can't Get A Break?".

    "Our Blacks Are Better Than Their Blacks".

    "Is It Something I Said?".

    Ema Nymton

  7. Ema, "Our Blacks Are Better Than Their Blacks". That's Ann Coulter, right?

  8. .

    "That's Ann Coulter, right?"
    Ann Coulter, you mean the guy who wears the black dress, right?

    Certainly not anything a real human would say.

    Ema Nymton

  9. Why are common liberal women like this Ema so annoyed at Ann it because Ann's a tall,well dressed,good looking,smart,law school grad whose has had about 1,000 best selling books....while the best they have to offer is a skank like Joan Walsh,who always looks like she just swallowed a five pound lemon.

  10. I'm not a big fan of Coulter, either, Russ (the last straw for me was when she denigraded the 9/11 widows), but, like you say, the woman is smart (Cornell and Michigan Law) and laughing all the way to the bank. Joan Walsh - no and no.

  11. Man Rusty. If you're so desperate that you find a Ann Coulter good looking then it would just be too cruel to insult you and make you feel even lower as a man.

    Merry Christmas you poor, desperate soul.

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  13. Im really sorry if I offened you dmarks when I called Joan Walsh a skank....but sometimes ya gotta call em like ya see em.

    Instead of judging the attributes of women perhaps you should stick to union bashing and continue your clarion charge for right to work states.

    I sir,will continue to say whatever I feel like and you can for sure take your sexism charges....roll them up in a ball....and shove them up you keister.

  14. dmarks: Leading the race to the bottom is the "skank like Joan Walsh" comment.

    Indeed. Will didn't call Joan Walsh a "skank", but his comment did concern her looks, and his obvious disapproval of them.

    In another thread he recommended I watch a news program with some Fox Nooz babe named "Harris". He touted her reporting of actual news (as opposed to Fox's usual propaganda), but we all know he watches Harris due to her "hotness". He previously authored a post on this very topic.

    It looks like dmarks and I can agree (something that does not happen very often) in regards to our mutual condemnation of Will for objectifying women in politics and reporting the news.

  15. Rusty: can... take your sexism charges... and shove them up your keister.

    People pointing out the truth really chafes Rusty's hide. I agree with dmarks' condemnation of Rusty's sexist remarks.

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  17. I think I'd lay about 5-1 that either dmarks or WD are one of those bald headed gray haired guys that have a pony tail.You know the kind of guy that other guys laugh at.

  18. For what it's worth, I'd probably give Ms. Coulter about a 5 - mainly because she talks too much and is waaaaay too skinny. Clean those 2 deficiencies up and I'd probably up her to a 7.

  19. Actually Will,I saw her at a book signing a few years ago...she looks pretty good in person.Even though I'm not partial to blondes.

  20. You and I and Truth should get together some time and talk babage.

  21. I'm getting beat up at American Nihilist for saying Pam Gellar was boinkable.

    try to pay a chick, even a right wing chick a compliment and they pile on man.

    Soem of my left ,eaning friends need to openly admit that an erection is for more than just holding what's in your bladder in your bladder while you're sleeping.

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  23. Yep dmarks,confirmed....its you...the middle aged bald guy with the pony tail.Bad look buddy,bad look.And please,dump the Dockers.The other guys are snickering at you.

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  25. You defeat yourself by bringing up bad management Dmarks.

    I hear you have nice hair though.

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  27. I may very well get struck by lightning for saying this dmarks,but I actually agree with 101.

    The "Big 3" auto makers have no one but themselves to blame for their troubles.The management in the 50's 60's,70's and 80's for various reasons did'nt have the balls to take an extended strike.They were making ungodly profits and agreed to any assine demand made by the UAW just to keep labor peace.When the gas crisis of the 70's hit along with Toyota and Honda the industry realized they were holding the shitty end of the stick....a bit late to the party.


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